Rothewood Blog

Rothewood Academy

23 July 2024

Embracing Holistic Learning in Early Childhood

At Rothewood Academy, our holistic approach to early learning makes us unique. Every child is a unique individual with diverse… Continue reading Embracing Holistic Learning in Early Childhood

At Rothewood Academy, our holistic approach to early learning makes us unique. Every child is a unique individual with diverse needs and talents, so holistic learning is our approach’s cornerstone. Our schooling program teaches each child through differentiated, personalized and individualized learning.

What Is Holistic Learning?

Holistic learning is more than just academics; it’s about nurturing the whole child. Unlike traditional education, which often focuses solely on cognitive development, this type of learning acknowledges the interconnectedness of all aspects of a child’s being – mental, social, emotional and physical.

Rothewood Academy’s Curriculum

Our curriculum includes a vibrant tapestry of experiences designed to ignite curiosity and foster a lifelong love for learning. We use a balanced approach that blends structured learning activities with free play, exploration and discovery opportunities.

Structured Learning vs. Free Play

In our classrooms, structured learning activities lay the foundation for academic skills, allowing for flexibility and creativity. Whether engaging in hands-on science experiments, exploring mathematical concepts through games or delving into language arts through storytelling, children are encouraged to actively participate and take ownership of their learning journey.

We also know the immense value of free play in promoting creativity, problem-solving and social-emotional development. Our play-based learning environments offer open-ended materials and imaginative spaces where children can express themselves, collaborate with peers and develop essential life skills organically.

A Complete Approach to Individualized Learning

Every child is unique, with their own strengths, interests and developmental pace. Our approach to holistic learning meets each child where they are and provides personalized support to help them reach their full potential.

Through ongoing observation, assessment and communication with families, our educators tailor activities and experiences to suit each child’s individual needs. Whether providing additional support in areas of challenge or extending learning opportunities for children ready to explore further, this is an inclusive environment where all children feel valued and supported.

How Teachers Support Our Approach

The teachers at Rothewood Academy are champions of a well-rounded approach to learning. With backgrounds in early childhood education and a passion for nurturing young minds, our team members undergo rigorous training to stay updated on the latest research and best practices and to refine their teaching methods to better support children’s holistic development.

The Physical Environment and Holistic Learning

The physical environment around us plays a crucial role in supporting this type of learning. All of our classrooms and outdoor play areas boast ample access to open-ended materials, sensory-rich experiences and opportunities for hands-on exploration.

Rothewood Academy’s physical environment encourages children to engage their senses, follow their interests and make meaningful connections with the world around them.

The Impact of Parent Involvement

The partnership between home and school is essential for supporting a child’s holistic development. At Rothewood Academy, we actively encourage parent involvement because it helps to improve a child’s holistic educational journey.

What Are the Long-Term Benefits?

The benefits of holistic learning extend far beyond the preschool years, laying the foundation for success in school, relationships and life. Nurturing the whole child – academically, socially, emotionally and physically – empowers them to become confident, resilient and compassionate people, ready to embrace future challenges and opportunities.

Could Your Child Flourish with Holistic Learning?

Rothewood Academy’s daycare and preschool nurture the whole child while taking a personalized approach to learning. With dedicated teachers, a supportive environment and strong partnerships with families, we create a transformative educational experience where every child can shine bright and reach their full potential.

Complete our online form to schedule a tour or learn how an education at Rothewood could set your child up for success.


18 July 2024

STEM Education at Rothewood Academy Early Learning centres

Science, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education is a pillar of modern education, integrating these four crucial disciplines into a cohesive… Continue reading STEM Education at Rothewood Academy Early Learning centres

Science, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education is a pillar of modern education, integrating these four crucial disciplines into a cohesive learning experience. It lays a solid foundation for future learning, encourages a deep understanding of various concepts and encourages hands-on exploration.

Rothewood Academy’s daycare and preschool curriculum ignites a passion for discovery by embracing the very best in STEM education. This approach sets our young learners up for success throughout their lives.

Embracing STEM in Early Education

The STEM approach for our youngest learners is all about hands-on, experiential learning that engages their senses and sparks their innate curiosity. Through sensory-rich activities, open-ended play and interactive experiences, children at Rothewood Academy are encouraged to ask questions, make predictions and explore the world meaningfully.

Whether they’re building towering block structures, experimenting with water and sand or exploring the wonders of nature in our outdoor learning spaces, every moment at our school is an opportunity for discovery and growth.

Fostering Early Interdisciplinary Learning

One of STEM education’s most remarkable characteristics is its ability to nurture interdisciplinary learning. Rather than dividing subjects into separate compartments, STEM seamlessly integrates them and showcases their connections in the real world.

At Rothewood Academy our focus on STEM creates an environment of seamless learning for our children. From counting and sorting everyday and natural objects during supervised play time to exploring cause and effect through intentionally designed  hands-on experiments, our little learners start to see the world through a STEM lens, laying the groundwork for future interdisciplinary learning.

Age-appropriate activities that integrate science, math and creative problem-solving give children a holistic understanding of the world around them. They build essential skills that will serve them well in the future.

Benefits of Early STEM Education

The benefits of this method of education are boundless, paving the way for a brighter future for our children. These include:

  1. Early Development of Critical Thinking Skills: STEM education for young children encourages the development of critical thinking skills from an early age, fostering the ability to analyze, evaluate and solve problems
  2. Foster’s Confidence and Independence: Through hands-on learning experiences, children gain confidence in their abilities and develop a sense of independence as they explore, discover and learn at their own pace
  3. Nurtures a Love for Learning: STEM education encourages a love for learning, inspiring kids to be curious, adventurous and enthusiastic about exploring the world
  4. Promotes Holistic Development: This educational approach also promotes holistic development, nurturing children’s cognitive, social, emotional and physical development as they engage in learning experiences tailored to their interests and abilities.

Unlocking Potential at Rothewood Academy

Rothewood Academy provides a nurturing and stimulating environment where every child can reach their full potential. Our experienced educators understand the unique needs of young learners and are passionate about creating meaningful learning experiences that spark joy and curiosity. From our inviting classrooms filled with age-appropriate materials to our expansive outdoor play areas designed to inspire exploration, every area of our program supports young learners’ growth and development.

Our play-based curriculum engages children in hands-on activities that promote exploration, experimentation, creative thinking and problem-solving. Whether they’re building with blocks, conducting simple science experiments or exploring nature in our outdoor classroom, every activity is an opportunity for learning and growth.

Furthermore, our small class sizes ensure that every child receives individualized attention and support, allowing them to progress at their own pace and discover the joy of learning.

Enroll Your Child in a Daycare That Prioritises STEM

At Rothewood Academy, we are proud to be at the forefront of STEM education, shaping the minds of tomorrow’s leaders and preparing them for a future filled with endless possibilities.

Complete our contact form or email to visit our location or enroll your child in one of our programs!


15 July 2024

Learning through Play: Fun and Education at Rothewood

Welcome to Rothewood Academy Early Learning centre, a unique daycare and preschool, where learning and fun coexist in delightful ways. Learning… Continue reading Learning through Play: Fun and Education at Rothewood

Welcome to Rothewood Academy Early Learning centre, a unique daycare and preschool, where learning and fun coexist in delightful ways.

Learning through play is integral to our curriculum’s day-to-day activities. Rothewood Academy Early Learning centres are more than just a preschool or a daycare; they are a haven where children thrive, explore and discover the world around them through the magic of play.
Follow along as we travel through the world of play-based learning and discover how our school sets the standard for early childhood education.

Understanding Natural Play

Natural play, also known as play-based learning or learning through play, refers to the instinctive way children explore, create and make sense of the world. It encompasses various activities, from imaginative play to hands-on experimentation, all driven by the child’s innate curiosity and desire to learn. Some benefits of natural play include:

  • strengthening holistic development
  • fostering curiosity and imagination
  • promoting hands-on exploration
  • cultivating positive social skills 
  • building a foundation for lifelong learning

The Magic of Learning through Play

We understand that children learn best when they’re having fun. That’s why our curriculum is centred around the power of play. From imaginative role-play to hands-on exploration, every activity engages the minds of your little ones and ignites a passion for learning. Whether building with blocks, creating art or exploring nature, every moment at Rothewood Academy is an opportunity for growth and discovery.

Our Commitment to Education

Rothewood Academy Early Learning centres uphold the highest standards of early childhood education. We provide a holistic, play-based curriculum that meets the unique needs of every child. Our highly trained professional educators are passionate about supporting children’s growth and development. We also invest in ongoing professional development to ensure they have the knowledge, skills and resources they need to excel in their roles.

Curriculum Designed for Exploration

Our play-based curriculum is carefully crafted to cater to each child’s unique needs and interests. From sensory exploration to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) activities, our curriculum covers an array of subjects and skills, providing a well-rounded foundation for future learning.

By learning through play and hands-on experiences, children develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities and a love for knowledge that will last forever.

Our Inspiring Facilities and Environment

We understand the importance of stimulating environments that inspire curiosity, creativity and exploration. Our thoughtfully designed classrooms encourage open-ended play and hands-on learning. From cozy reading nooks to interactive learning centers, all our spaces stimulate young minds and encourage exploration.

Our spaces are also inviting, filled with natural materials, loose parts and open-ended resources that encourage learning through play. With consciously designed spacious outdoor natural play areas, our children have plenty of room to run, jump and play to their heart’s content.

Children at Rothewood Academy Early learning centres are encouraged to follow their interests, ask questions and pursue their passions. Our educators act as guides and facilitators, supporting their learning journey.

A Supportive Community

Education is a partnership between home and school. That’s why we work closely with parents to ensure each child receives the support and encouragement they need to succeed. From parent-teacher conferences to family events, we provide many opportunities for families to connect, collaborate and celebrate their child’s achievements.

Join Our Play-Based Learning Preschool and Daycare

Help your child discover the joy of learning through play at Rothewood Daycare and Preschool Academy. Our play-based curriculum, nurturing environment, state-of-the-art facilities and dedicated team of teachers set the standard for early childhood education.

To learn more, call 604-385-3441 or complete our online contact form to schedule a tour of our location. Together, we’ll give your child a love for learning that will last a lifetime. 


15 July 2024

Whole Child Learning: A Holistic Approach at Rothewood

At Rothewood Academy’s daycare and preschool, whole child learning is a way of life. This methodology honours every child’s different… Continue reading Whole Child Learning: A Holistic Approach at Rothewood

At Rothewood Academy’s daycare and preschool, whole child learning is a way of life. This methodology honours every child’s different strengths and abilities, celebrating diversity and fostering a lifelong love for learning.

We believe that every child is a unique and wondrous individual, deserving of an education that nurtures their mind, body and spirit. Our holistic approach to learning encompasses not only academic excellence but also emotional intelligence, social skills and physical well-being.

As you embark on your journey to select the perfect educational haven for your little ones, we invite you to explore the concept of whole child learning – a cornerstone of our philosophy.

What Is Whole Child Learning?

Whole child learning is about embracing the full spectrum of childhood development, from cognitive growth to creative expression, social interactions and physical activities. It’s about fostering a love for learning that extends beyond the confines of traditional classrooms, empowering children to explore, discover and flourish in their own way.

The Rothewood Way

The Rothewood method is based on a contemporary approach to early childhood development through differentiated, individualized and personalized learning. Our motto is “Head. Hands. Heart.” It refers to the fact that the Rothewood educational method is dedicated to teaching the whole child – head, hands and heart.

Whole child learning is the heart of our institution. Our second-to-none program embeds international best practices into all initiatives and activities geared toward early learning.

Our Classroom and Curriculum

Step inside our vibrant classrooms, and you’ll witness the magic of whole child learning come to life. Our curriculum stimulates curiosity, encourages critical thinking and inspires a lifelong passion for knowledge. From sensory-rich activities to hands-on experiments, imaginative play and outdoor adventures, every experience is designed to engage and delight young minds.

Our Teachers

It’s not just about what happens inside the classroom. Our dedicated team of highly trained educators is committed to creating a nurturing environment where children feel safe, supported and valued. With years of experience and a deep understanding of child development, our teachers act as mentors, guides and cheerleaders, fostering meaningful connections and building solid foundations for future success.

At Rothewood Academy, we know that education is a partnership between home and school. We cherish the opportunity to work hand-in-hand with parents to support their child’s growth and development. Our open-door policy encourages ongoing communication, collaboration and mutual respect, ensuring that every child receives the individualized attention and care they deserve.

Our Approach

Beyond academics, we recognize the importance of social and emotional development in shaping well-rounded individuals. Through group projects, collaborative play and community service initiatives, we instill essential values such as empathy, compassion and teamwork. These values empower kids to become caring and responsible members of society.

We also value the essential impact of physical health and well-being. Rothewood Academy prioritizes outdoor play, active exploration and nutritious meals to ensure children begin practicing healthy habits at a young age. Our spacious playgrounds, nature trails and organic gardens provide endless opportunities for them to connect with the natural world and embrace an active lifestyle.

Are You Looking for a Holistic Daycare and Preschool?

Whether you’re a seasoned parent or a first-time visitor, come experience the magic of Rothewood Academy’s daycare and preschool. We provide knowledge and stimulation in a contemporary way to enhance your child’s early education.

Let’s embark on a journey that begins with whole child learning and lasts a lifetime.

Call 604-385-3441, fill out our online contact form or visit us in person to learn more about how our approach can benefit your child.

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5 April 2023

Toddler Play: Why It’s Important for Movement and Motor Skills Development in Child Care

Motor skills play a crucial role in your child’s growth and development. They allow children to move freely, complete tasks… Continue reading Toddler Play: Why It’s Important for Movement and Motor Skills Development in Child Care

Motor skills play a crucial role in your child’s growth and development. They allow children to move freely, complete tasks independently, explore the world around them and meet developmental milestones. One way that children can learn, grow and develop their motor skills is through play.

Rothewood Academy’s daycare offers a safe and stimulating environment that encourages physical activity and exploration. We provide toys and equipment that encourage movement and engage children in active play indoors and outdoors. Furthermore, our outdoor play area includes natural elements that inspire active recreation, such as plants, logs, water, sand, dirt, stones, hills and trees.

Importance of Toddler Play in Child Development

Toddler play is essential for your child’s movement and motor skills development. Its benefits include:

Improved balance and flexibility

Play improves a child’s balance and flexibility by challenging their proprioception and kinesthetic abilities. Activities like playing with balls, walking on beams and riding tricycles improve their balance, increasing awareness of their bodies and environment and growing muscle endurance.

Engaging children in activities that involve moving and stretching – such as dancing, gymnastics and yoga – improves their flexibility by lengthening muscles and increasing their range of motion. Pursuits like climbing, playing with blocks and manipulating small objects can also hone fine motor skills and build flexibility in their fingers and hands.

Sharpened reflexes

Playtime at daycare can sharpen toddlers’ reflexes by providing opportunities to practise their reaction time. Through play, toddlers engage in activities that require them to respond quickly to different stimuli, like catching balls, dodging obstacles or reaching for toys. These activities speed up reaction time by strengthening the neural pathways that control movement and sensation.

Play can also encourage toddlers to reinforce reflexes that help them protect themselves, such as quickly pulling their hands away from a hot stove or turning their heads to avoid an incoming object.

Enhanced bone density and muscles

Similar to muscles, bones grow stronger the more kids use them. Children who engage in weight-bearing activities like running, walking, climbing and leaping grow stronger bones and muscles. These activities stress bones and muscles in a positive way, promoting the formation of new bone and muscle tissue.

Improved posture

Crawling, walking, climbing and jumping promote the development and strengthening of core muscles needed for good posture. Playing with items that encourage reaching and stretching, such as building blocks or stacking toys, also improve posture by strengthening muscles in the back and shoulders. Games that require children to balance and maintain control of their bodies, such as hopscotch, improve posture by promoting awareness of body position and control.

Better agility

Healthy physical pursuits like running, jumping and climbing allow your little one to enjoy greater agility. For example, running through an obstacle course can boost a child’s ability to change direction quickly and accurately. Meanwhile, play that requires kids to navigate through space, like playing hide-and-seek or tag, hones their spatial awareness. It also helps them learn to move quickly and efficiently through different environments.

Are You Looking for a Daycare in Surrey?

If you’re looking for a daycare for your child, contact Rothewood Academy.

We know that active play promotes healthy intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual and physical growth. Our teachers encourage kids to enjoy an outdoor physical activity to enhance their motor skills development. Furthermore, our natural play initiative engages, fascinates and educates them about the beauty and complexity of the natural world.

Fill out our contact form or message us to learn more about our schools and book a tour.

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5 April 2023

Preschool Prep: How to Prepare Your Toddler for Preschool

Preschool marks a significant turning point in your child’s educational and developmental journey. While starting the formal learning process is… Continue reading Preschool Prep: How to Prepare Your Toddler for Preschool

Preschool marks a significant turning point in your child’s educational and developmental journey. While starting the formal learning process is thrilling, learning to spend time apart can be challenging for you and your child. Therefore, it’s beneficial to prepare and help them gradually adapt to this new phase of their life. At Rothewood Academy, we understand that parents and children have conflicting feelings as they reach this milestone. We provide a warm, safe, and nurturing environment to help your child become accustomed to their new routine and learning environment. We provide a space that cultivates their social, emotional, physical and intellectual skills.

Tips to Prepare Your Toddler for Preschool

Here are some tips you can use to prepare your child for this next stage:

  • Engage in pretend play to explore the idea of a preschool

Make a simple classroom at home so your child can act like they’re in class. You can each play the roles of parent, student and teacher while rotating roles. Act out typical daily activities, including waving goodbye to parents, hanging up a backpack, singing songs, reading stories, making art, participating in group time, playing outside and taking naps. By switching roles and allowing your child to be the teacher, you help them feel more in control and reduce their anxiety. It also assures them that a school is a good place where they will have fun and learn.

  • Visit the preschool together

Visiting a school is an excellent chance for your child to get used to their new surroundings while you assess the school’s facilities, letting them watch, explore and meet the teacher. You can also stroll around, play on the playground and describe the activities that will take place there. This allows your child to feel confident and at ease. Rothewood Academy is happy for parents to bring their children to tour the facility before the school year begins.

  • Practice self-help skills

Teaching children self-help skills helps them develop independence and gain confidence in their ability to perform tasks and try new things. To prepare your toddler for the preschool environment, you can teach them how to feed and clothe themselves. You can also teach them hygiene habits like washing their hands, wiping their nose and cleaning up after themselves.

  • Spend time away from your child

Children who are used to being left with caretakers, such as grandparents, relatives and friends, often adjust to preschool more easily. Create a separation plan and start implementing it. First, only leave your child for brief periods – like an hour to go shopping – and gradually increase the time until they are content to be left alone for an entire morning or afternoon.

  • Create a routine

A few weeks before school starts, have your child practise the bedtime and wake-up time they will need for preschool. Choose a bedtime that allows for a restful night’s sleep and an early enough wake-up time to avoid rushing in the morning. Routine provides the structure for innovative learning, smoother transitions and mental preparation for the day ahead.

Are You Looking for a Preschool in Surrey?

If you’re looking for a preschool for your child, contact Rothewood Academy.

Our passion is encouraging students to have a love for learning. Our teachers nurture students’ creativity and curiosity, creating amazing learning opportunities and lasting connections. At Rothewood Academy, your child will develop high expectations and a passion for education that lasts a lifetime.

Get in touch using our contact form to learn more about our schools or take a tour.

Module 2

5 April 2023

Achieving Equity and Quality in Early Learning

Early childhood education is a crucial component of any child’s development. It allows children to develop the skills and knowledge… Continue reading Achieving Equity and Quality in Early Learning

Early childhood education is a crucial component of any child’s development. It allows children to develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. It should support cognitive and emotional growth by providing kids with the opportunity to interact with adults and others their own age. Quality childhood education encompasses equity and creates an inclusive environment for all children regardless of their culture, religion, socioeconomic background or skin colour.

Every child has the right to early learning opportunities that support their physical, social, emotional and cognitive development. This includes the right to a safe and nurturing environment, access to qualified and caring teachers and adults, and developmentally appropriate activities and materials. Children should also be able to expect dignity and respect and to have their cultural and linguistic backgrounds valued. So, how can we ensure that our children receive these benefits from early learning?

Strategies for Achieving Equity and Quality in Early Learning

Quality in early learning refers to the set of standards that define high-quality early childhood education programmes. These include the educators’ qualifications and training, the ratio of adults to children, the curriculum and teaching methods used, the physical environment and resources available, and the overall level of care provided. Quality early learning programmes are characterized by a focus on child development and learning. They offer a safe, nurturing, and stimulating environment that supports kids’ physical, social, emotional and cognitive growth.

Various strategies can be used to achieve equity and quality in early childhood learning. These include:

  • Providing access to high-quality early childhood education for all children, regardless of socioeconomic status or background. Ensuring that early childhood education programmes are inclusive and culturally responsive, and that they meet each child’s unique needs.
  • Investing in professional development for early childhood educators to enhance the skills and knowledge needed to provide top-notch instruction.
  • Providing support for families and caregivers through parent education and home visiting programmes. This helps caregivers understand the importance of early childhood education. It also provides the necessary resources for them to support their children’s learning at home.
  • Creating inclusive and culturally responsive environments where children from diverse backgrounds feel welcome and valued.
  • Implementing evidence-based curricula and instruction, such as play-based learning, and using formative assessment to track progress and adjust instruction accordingly.
  • Establishing partnerships between families, educators and communities to support learning and development.

The Montessori Method

The Montessori Method is an educational philosophy that emphasizes self-directed activity, hands-on learning and collaborative play in supportive and stimulating environments. The method is centred around the belief that children have an innate ability to learn and that a teacher’s role is to provide a suitable environment and learning materials – rather than directly instructing or controlling the child’s learning.

This self-directed, individualized approach improves equity in early learning by giving each child the opportunity to learn at their own pace and in a way tailored to their needs. It can help level the playing field for children from different backgrounds and varying levels of prior knowledge and experience. Furthermore, the Montessori method places a strong emphasis on respect for each child as an individual, creating a more inclusive and equitable learning environment.

Rothewood Early Learning centres are dedicated to creating an environment where children can enjoy high-quality learning. We encourage each child to develop their curiosity and passion based on their unique personality and interests.

Complete our contact form to learn more about our programs or schedule a tour today and experience our holistic approach to learning.

Thanksgiving RCC

11 January 2023

What Should My Preschooler Be Eating?

Children need balanced, nutritious and wholesome diets to give them the energy to grow, strengthen their immune systems, and prevent… Continue reading What Should My Preschooler Be Eating?

crafting food in the kitchen | What Should My Preschooler Be Eating?Children need balanced, nutritious and wholesome diets to give them the energy to grow, strengthen their immune systems, and prevent disease and malnutrition. Understanding what your preschool child should eat is crucial. It can help you plan their meals, teach them about healthy eating and prepare them for the independence that comes with going to kindergarten. At Rothewood Academy, we understand that healthy eating is essential for a child’s development, and we take dietary matters seriously. Our in-house chef creates healthy, delicious foods that children can’t resist. We also ensure fresh meals are cooked in-house and served daily.

Healthy Food Options for Preschoolers

Here are some healthy foods you should include in your preschooler’s diet:

Vegetables and fruits

Fruits and vegetables are essential in a child’s diet. They are an excellent source of vitamins, energy, water, fibre and antioxidants. They also contain essential minerals such as calcium, potassium and iron. Vitamins in fruits and vegetables boost the immune system, support brain development, promote growth, improve eyesight and enhance healthy skin. The fibre in vegetables keeps the digestive tract healthy and prevents constipation, while essential minerals encourage strong bones and teeth. These minerals also support wound healing. Rothewood Academy’s in-house chef ensures every meal and snack contains the fresh veggies and fruit necessary for your child’s optimal nutrition.

Grain products

Grain items such as bread, pasta, noodles, breakfast cereals, couscous, rice, corn, quinoa, polenta and oats are excellent energy sources. Whole grains can also be a great source of dietary fibre, essential vitamins and minerals. At Rothewood Academy, we understand how a child’s energy levels can affect their ability to participate actively in class and take part in extracurricular activities like play and arts and crafts. Our chef incorporates whole grains like pasta and bread into the school’s food offerings to keep your little one feeling full, energetic and ready to learn.

Dairy products

Milk, cheese, yogurt and other dairy products are excellent sources of calcium, vitamin D and protein – all essential for healthy bone development. Yogurt also provides the body with probiotics and good bacteria that help to maintain a healthy gut. Rothewood Academy ensures your child has a variety of dairy options to help their bones and teeth grow healthy and strong. These options include products like milk drinks, cheese slices and yogurt bowls.


Proteins such as fish, lean meat, beans, tofu, chicken, eggs, lentils, peas and almonds contain vitamins and minerals like iron, zinc, vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids essential for your child’s growth and muscle development. These nutrients also aid in the repair and recovery of skin and muscle tissue.

At Rothewood Academy, we understand that children can be picky eaters and that dietary needs vary. We do our best to accommodate the dietary requirements of every child.

We provide children with food allergies or sensitivities, such as peanut allergies or lactose intolerance, plenty of alternatives and substitutions in our meal plan to ensure they get the nutrition they need. We do not allow outside food as we have many children with food allergies or restrictions and this is how we limit exposure.  Parents with children who have dietary concerns meet and share with the child’s teachers, school Chef and administrators to develop a suitable menu plan.

Are You Looking for a Preschool and Daycare in Richmond, BC?

At Rothewood Academy, we believe that nutrition is a crucial aspect of your child’s growth and development. All our meals and snacks are served in the right portions and contain the highest nutrient value to ensure our children get the nourishment they need to learn and play.

Fill out our contact form or message us to learn more about our schools and book a tour.


11 January 2023

7 Characteristics of a Great Preschool Teacher

Preschool teachers shape your child’s future success and play a significant role in their development. Teachers often play different roles… Continue reading 7 Characteristics of a Great Preschool Teacher

Preschool teachers shape your child’s future success and play a significant role in their development. Teachers often play different roles in a school setting, all of which require them to possess some essential qualities. As a parent of a preschooler, you must understand and assess these characteristics to ensure that your child’s needs are met while they’re away from home. At Rothewood Academy, we know the attributes that a great preschool teacher must have to create a clean, safe, nurturing environment that promotes engaging learning.

Characteristics of a Great Preschool Teacher

Here are seven characteristics you should look for in a preschool teacher:

1. Patience

Patience is an essential characteristic of a preschool teacher. Young children have limited attention spans and can be distracted easily or react quickly to abrupt mood shifts. Our preschool teachers understand that mistakes and mishaps happen, especially when working with young children. They don’t let minor classroom disruptions escalate and patiently handle upsets in the classroom. Children respond better to non-judgmental responses to their behaviour and feel more secure about trying new things when they are encouraged.

2. Passion

Teaching is a significant responsibility that goes beyond clocking in and out every day. It’s reassuring for a parent to know that their child’s teacher cares for them and is enthusiastic about shaping their developing mind and emotions. Our preschool teachers are dedicated and passionate about encouraging your child’s growth. They provide the best learning opportunities and are always studying new teaching methods.

3. Enthusiasm

A teacher’s excitement encourages kids’ interest and increases their desire to study, motivating them to absorb information and investigate their curiosities. Our enthusiastic teachers infuse the classroom with joy, enjoyment, and anticipation. This gets children involved and inspires them to learn. It has resulted in excellent teaching evaluations, good attitudes, increased student performance and better classroom behaviour.

4. Creativity

Preschool teachers must be highly creative in designing lessons that will captivate and inform children. Being imaginative enables them to develop fun and interesting activities appropriate for your child’s age, needs and learning style. When taught engagingly, your youngster will undoubtedly enjoy their classes and retain information. Our teachers have experience with arts and crafts, storytelling, physical activity, and educational activities to lead this age group. They regularly try new activities to keep things interesting and maintain your kids’ finite attention spans.

5. Flexibility

Children can be unpredictable, and preschool teachers must be flexible enough to meet their needs. When learning or behaviour isn’t going in the right direction, our competent instructors will spot it and expertly refocus the kids. They understand that young people occasionally follow their own routines because they’re still developing. They plan carefully and thoroughly but are prepared to change course as necessary.

6. Organization

Young children thrive on predictability and structure. They have less anxiety and are better able to participate in their activities when they know what will happen next. Our preschool teachers adhere to a defined curriculum and follow a well-organized daily schedule. Being organized allows them to multitask, address conflicting demands concurrently and maintain a structure that ensures everything runs smoothly.

7. Observation

Observation is an excellent technique to establish a connection with kids and learn about their relationships with others and their environment. Our skilled preschool instructors observe how they play and interact, noting anyone who seems withdrawn or who takes over all activities. They play with the kids, giving them a close-up look at how each child thinks and enabling them to foresee and avoid potential problems.

Are You Looking for a Preschool and Daycare in Surrey, BC?

At Rothewood Academy, we aim to empower a community of learners who will change the world through passion and selflessness. Our teachers encourage exploration and curiosity, inspiring children to become lifelong learners.

Get in touch via our contact form to learn more about our schools or book a tour.

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16 December 2022

Dealing With Challenging Toddler Behaviour in a Preschool Classroom

One of the biggest challenges in a preschool classroom is handling students exhibiting challenging behaviour. These behaviours often hinder a… Continue reading Dealing With Challenging Toddler Behaviour in a Preschool Classroom

One of the biggest challenges in a preschool classroom is handling students exhibiting challenging behaviour. These behaviours often hinder a teacher’s capacity to teach and maintain control of the classroom, affecting the overall productivity of a class. Therefore, an educator must know how to handle such conduct effectively. At Rothewood Academy, our preschool educators have years of experience dealing with challenging behaviour and have strategies to manage them.

What Are the Potential Causes of Challenging Behaviour in Children?

To appropriately handle difficult behaviour, it’s essential to understand what triggers it. Some potential triggers are:

  • Ill health: Toddlers can act out when they’re in pain because they are unable to express their symptoms verbally.
  • Change: Children can display disruptive behaviours when experiencing changes like switching schools, divorcing parents or bereavement.
  • Learned behaviour: Children growing up in a setting where everyone behaves by acting out may think that confrontation and aggressiveness are acceptable and that misbehaving is the only way to get what they want. If everyone in the child’s growing environment acts that way, it can be hard to change the acquired behaviour.
  • Behavioural issues: Sometimes learning difficulties and disorders like ADHD, autism can also cause children to express their feelings less appropriately.

How to Deal With Challenging Toddler Behaviour in a Preschool Classroom

Strategies our preschool educators use to manage challenging behaviour include:

1. Modelling desired behaviours

All adults in the school and especially the educators model the behaviour they would like to see in the classroom. Children are very aware of all adult presence in the preschool. However, the impact of the educators’ behaviour is the strongest. The educators are their role models.

Children see and hear how their teachers interact as team members, with parents and with other children. Children are sensitive to the language, choice of words, tone, and how educators respond in the classroom. Children also observe how educators cope with anger, frustration, sadness, and joy. They listen to how educators say “I’m sorry” or if they say it! The way educators handle life teaches the child how to behave. All educators in our preschools understand this and act accordingly!

2. Positive and supportive guidance

Positive and supportive guidance helps children as they learn self-regulation. It also helps children find appropriate ways to express their wants, needs, feelings and opinions. This is an ongoing process!

At Rothewood Academy, we are supporting a child’s independence and building self-confidence. Our educators understand and believe that guidance is not about control over a child, but about supporting a child in building self-control.

Educators support and guide children to restore their relationships after an injury or incident. Children are never forced to say “sorry”. Just repeating the words, “I am sorry” is neither sincere nor relevant at this level. Educators encourage children to help the other child to feel better by assisting in getting comfort items such as a tissue, band-aid or ice pack or just sitting with the injured child. This is sometimes helpful to both children. Sometimes, the injured or upset child may not be ready to have further interactions. This is ok, too. With this strategy, our goal is to help children learn that making amends takes time and goodwill. Educators build these strategies through stories, discussions and role-play during group meetings with the children.

3. Developing relationships with toddlers proactively

Children’s development depends on loving, dependable and responsive relationships. Children learn how to reason, understand, communicate, act and express emotions through relationships. The educators at Rothewood Academy get to know each child and form bonds with them. This creates a safe space for children where the children can converse openly and freely and share the issues that might make them restless in the classroom. Once teachers determine a cause, they’re able to find a solution.

4. Talking to parents

Maintaining close communication with parents is essential for managing challenging behaviour. Our educators speak to parents regularly to ensure the same boundaries are set at home as in the classroom and keep them informed if they notice challenging behaviour in their child. Talking to parents helps our educators learn how parents deal with issues at home and how to define strategies that are best suited for the child’s benefit.

Are You Looking for a Preschool and Daycare in Richmond?

At Rothewood Academy, we encourage every child to embrace their curiosity and creativity through play-based and natural learning environments and activities.

Contact us today to learn more about our schools or schedule a tour.


19 October 2022

How Social-Emotional Learning Can Help Counter Challenging Behaviour

Children experience emotions before they learn how to use words to describe those emotions. When a child misbehaves, it’s usually… Continue reading How Social-Emotional Learning Can Help Counter Challenging Behaviour

Children experience emotions before they learn how to use words to describe those emotions. When a child misbehaves, it’s usually a sign that they are feeling angry, anxious, ignored, or overwhelmed. With training and practice, children can learn how to identify, distinguish, and express their emotions in an appropriate and safe manner. In this article, we look at the competencies of social-emotional techniques in early learning and discuss how they can help counter challenging behaviour.

What is social-emotional learning?

Social-emotional learning is the process through which children learn how to better comprehend their emotions and develop interpersonal skills that are essential for school and everyday life. This type of learning provides a foundation for positive and long-term effects in children by instilling essential skills such as effective emotion management, self-discipline, and impulse control. Children with strong social-emotional abilities cope better with challenges and respond better to changing situations.

How can social-emotional learning help counter challenging behaviour?

Social-emotional learning in early learning aims to improve the social and emotional well-being of children. It does so by focusing on five competencies that can help counter challenging behaviour. These competencies include:

    1. Self-awareness

Self-awareness refers to one’s ability to accurately recognize their emotions, values, and thoughts and understand how they influence one’s behaviour. It focuses on the child’s ability to judge their behaviour and performance and to respond to different situations appropriately. Self-awareness enables a child to tune into their feelings and acknowledge the feelings of others. It also fosters a child’s capacity to accept criticism, learn from their mistakes, and listen to and understand the feelings of others. When a child is reflective about their actions and considerate of others, they develop empathy.

    2. Self-management

Self-management teaches children to pay attention to their own behaviour and to engage in interaction and complete activities appropriately. For example, self-management teaches children what others expect of them and encourages them to complete these tasks without supervision. With proper self-management training, a child develops the habit of doing the right thing, even when no-one is watching. Research has shown that children who have excellent self-management skills often perform better academically and have fewer behavioural problems.

    3. Social awareness

Social awareness teaches children to understand social behavioural norms and to respect the perspective of others with diverse cultures and backgrounds. Children can learn social awareness by engaging in activities that involve them discussing their hobbies and sharing fun facts about themselves. Through these activities, children can understand that their peers are different from them and may often have different views from their own. A sense of social awareness will teach children to respect other people’s choices and opinions. It will also enable them to express their own opinion, even though it may be conflicting, in a respectful and appropriate manner.

    4. Relationship skills

This is the ability to establish, maintain, and foster healthy and rewarding relationships, especially with diverse people. In early learning, relationship skills are built through various activities, such as team sports, games, and group projects. These relationships create a platform that encourages collaboration, amicable conflict resolution, and effective communication. It also encourages children to seek and offer help to those in need. These skills can help counter challenging behaviour.

     5. Decision-making

Decision-making refers to one’s ability to make respectful and constructive choices about their social and personal interactions. These choices are often based on social norms, safety concerns, and the well-being of self and others. Early learning involves teaching children how to make decisions on their own. This enables them to learn self- discipline, self-control, and assertiveness, and enhances their confidence.

Are you looking for a daycare in Richmond?

Rothewood Academy Early Learning centres prioritizes the development of your child’s social and emotional well-being. Our daycare program integrates various social activities to help your child get in tune with themselves and connect with others.

Fill out our contact form to learn more about our programs or schedule a tour.


19 October 2022

Activities to Promote Preschool Cognitive Development

Even though genetics plays a huge role in a child’s cognitive abilities, the activities in which the child engages can… Continue reading Activities to Promote Preschool Cognitive Development

Even though genetics plays a huge role in a child’s cognitive abilities, the activities in which the child engages can also have a significant effect. As a child grows, especially in the period between their birth to the time they celebrate their 5th birthday, their brain goes through immense development. This rapid brain development has a lasting effect on their ability to learn. It’s therefore important to ensure that a child engages in activities that promote cognitive development. In this article, we discuss the activities that children can engage in to promote preschool cognitive development.

Activities to promote preschool cognitive development

Preschools employ many activities, both physical and mental, that can help in the development of the different cognitive abilities of a child. Some of these activities include:

1. Physical activities

Children have a lot of energy. Physical activities will not only aid in using up this energy but may also help in the development of cognitive abilities. Some of the physical activities that children can engage in may include:

  • Drawing and painting: Drawing and painting allow children to express their ideas, thoughts, and feelings freely. These activities also enhance a child’s motor skills from a very early age, as they learn how to grip pencils or paint brushes in their hands and master their eye-hand coordination. Producing artwork can also help to enhance their creativity and self-confidence.
  • Running and jumping: Exercise plays a fundamental role in the development of a child’s brain. Engaging in running, jumping, and other physical exercises can help children improve their coordination and concentration. Children who engage in strenuous activities tend to have a longer attention span.
  • Playing with toys: Learning through toys is an important aspect of a child’s development. They encourage a child to be creative and come up with their own ideas and patterns. Playing with toys can also help a child learn to identify and distinguish different colours.
  • Sorting objects: Sorting can help children develop executive function skills. It helps children learn how to identify and categorize objects and develop early numeracy skills. This can enhance their brain memory, improve their attention span, and promote problem-solving.
  • Gluing and sticking: Besides learning the concept of stickiness, binding objects together and sticking them to walls can greatly improve the motor skills of a child. It may also enhance their eye-hand coordination.

2. Mental activities

Mental activities can help promote the psychological and physical well-being of a child. These activities are essential, as they enable a child to develop their ability to learn new things and memorize them. Some mental activities that children can engage in include:

  • Playing simple card games and putting together puzzles
  • Reading books and reciting nursery rhymes that involve sounds and actions
  • Singing simple songs
  • Hiding and finding objects
  • Practising letters and numbers

3. Music lessons

Music is one of the most effective tools in helping children boost their cognitive abilities because it stimulates both sides of the brain. Music lessons can help children learn how to process and identify different sound patterns and respond to rhythms. Reading music can also help them improve their reading and comprehension skills. Studies show that children who take music lessons have better verbal abilities, memory skills, attention spans, and critical thinking skills. Exposing children to music can also help improve their listening skills.

Are you looking for a preschool in Surrey, BC?

Rothewood Academy Early Learning centres understand the importance of developing a child’s cognitive abilities at an early age. Our preschool curriculum integrates various activities that can enable your child to learn and play as they grow both mentally and physically. Our state-of-the-art academy has a team of well-trained early educators that will support your child during this crucial age.

Fill out our contact form to learn more about us or schedule a tour.

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19 October 2022

The Importance of Cognitive Activities in Early Education

In a competitive and fast-developing world, it’s crucial for children to develop their cognitive abilities at an early age. Helping… Continue reading The Importance of Cognitive Activities in Early Education

In a competitive and fast-developing world, it’s crucial for children to develop their cognitive abilities at an early age. Helping your child develop and harness their ability to reason, make decisions, memorize information, and communicate effectively can help set them up for success. With the right training and practice, a child’s learning and thinking capacity can improve. In this article, we discuss the importance of including cognitive activities in early learning.

  • Enhances critical thinking

Engaging in cognitive activities can help enhance the critical thinking abilities of children and improve their decision-making. Giving a child the room to face challenges and think for themselves can help develop and sharpen their critical thinking. Games and activities that allow children to question their environment and situation can also help them form their own logical conclusions about situations.

  • Promotes sensory development

Children are often exposed to all kinds of unfamiliar smells, sounds, and sights. These experiences can be overwhelming. Physical exercises and sensory play often involve the combination of various senses, including touch, smell, taste, hearing, and vision. These activities promote the use of the senses by incorporating different noises, colours, and textures in their early learning. Enhancing a child’s senses can help familiarize them with their environment, notice differences, and cope with changes.

  • Reinforces memory and attention

Engaging in memory games and physical activities positively affects the hippocampus, which is the part of the brain that’s in charge of memory and learning. These activities stimulate neuron growth and improve brain connectivity. This subsequently improves a child’s ability to focus on tasks and remember detailed information. Focusing can help boost their attention span.

  • Improves communication skills

Learning how to communicate is crucial for every growing child. Engaging children in activities that allow them to interact in fun ways with no pressure can help improve their communication skills. When children interact with others during play, they learn to express themselves and ask questions. These interactions can help build their vocabulary and improve their sentence structure. Consistently engaging children by asking them questions can also help them to learn new words and learn how to respond to different questions.

  • Boosts creativity and imagination

Engaging your child in drawing, painting, and other imaginative activities can help improve their creativity and imagination. These activities provide children with the freedom to think of ideas and use their imagination to come to terms with the unknown. Being in a creative and imaginative space can also help children foster their ability to try new things and allows them to be flexible and improve their sense of innovation.

  • Develops emotional intelligence

Participating in cognitive activities also allows children to connect with others and opens their minds to understanding different concepts. Playing with their peers can teach children how to use and express their emotions. It also helps them to learn how to cope and respond to the emotions of others. Having an accessible and safe space to express their feelings enables children to develop deeper friendships and manage conflict appropriately.

  • Enhances awareness and balance

Engaging in physical exercises such as jumping, skipping, and running can help increase a child’s sense of awareness of their surroundings. Having awareness can help them become familiar with their environment and alert them when they encounter unsafe situations. When children feel independent during play, they’re more likely to explore their surroundings.

Balance is crucial in most aspects of play. Engaging children in simple physical activities can help improve their balance and learn their limits and boundaries. With good balance, your child is less likely to get injured because they’ll have the appropriate responses needed to protect themselves.

Are you looking for a preschool or daycare in Surrey, BC?

At Rothewood Academy Early Learning centres, we understand the benefits of nurturing your child’s cognitive abilities at an early age. Our curriculum incorporates various cognitive activities to help children learn and achieve their full potential.

Fill out our contact form to learn more about our school or schedule a tour.


7 September 2022

5 Strategies to Teach Alphabet Knowledge in the Classroom

Alphabet knowledge is the foundation for children’s ability to read and write the English language and is critical for academic… Continue reading 5 Strategies to Teach Alphabet Knowledge in the Classroom

Alphabet knowledge is the foundation for children’s ability to read and write the English language and is critical for academic development. Alphabet knowledge involves recognizing letters, saying their names, associating the names with their corresponding sounds and, to some extent, writing on paper or other material.

Teaching alphabet knowledge to children can be complicated. There are 26 letter names, each with an uppercase and a lowercase form, 44 letter sounds, varying shapes and several other characteristics that can confuse the average child. When imparting alphabet knowledge, experts recommend that, among other things, letters and sounds should be taught together. Lowercase and uppercase forms of letters that look similar—such as O and o and S and s—should also be taught together, and handwriting ought to be taught with letters to reinforce alphabet knowledge.

Several strategies can be used in the classroom to help children develop alphabet knowledge. Below are five of them.

1. Incorporating music

Incorporating music in the form of songs is an effective strategy used in the instruction of various subject areas, and alphabet knowledge is no exception. Music makes activities fun, motivates children to learn and promotes information retention. In addition to the Alphabet Song—sung to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star—there are many other alphabet songs that approach teaching the alphabet in a fun and diverse ways. Children in a daycare setting especially benefit from songs that highlight letters.

2. Playing games

Alphabet games are a fun and active way to expose children to letters. Games like I Spy can visually and verbally stimulate children and, over time, develop their alphabet knowledge. In I Spy, once a letter is introduced, one child will spy that letter from a group of letters and another will find the letter. Once the student locates the letter, the class will then repeatedly make the letter sounds in hushed and loud tones.

3. Integrating arts and crafts

Children love doing arts and crafts. So why not integrate alphabet lessons into art and craft lessons? In early learning environments, children cut out and colour letters of the alphabet as they are taught and include them in an alphabet scrapbook. Both lowercase and uppercase letters are included as well as photos of objects that begin with the letters taught. These interactive lessons produce effective results as children require constant engagement.

4. Reading alphabet books

Alphabet books are great resources to teach alphabet knowledge. Many books like Dr. Seuss’ ABC and Keith Baker’s LMNO Peas list the letters of the alphabet in lowercase and uppercase forms, with corresponding colourful photos, information and fun activities. As books are read, students will become better at recognizing, naming and sounding letters.

5. Creating an alphabet board

Alphabet boards are usually a part of a teacher’s toolkit and are found in most preschool classrooms. As letters are introduced, the teacher and students can affix letters and pictures beginning with the corresponding letters to boards to create an alphabet display. The active use of alphabet boards during lessons contributes to students’ intake of the alphabet lesson, while the presence of the board helps students passively identify and memorize the letters.

At Rothewood Daycare and Preschool Academy, we understand and appreciate the importance of early learning of the alphabet. It is a crucial building block for academic success. Our passionate and well-trained teachers are ready to begin setting the alphabet foundation for your little ones’ journey to success. Contact us via our online form if you have any questions regarding our institution or schedule a tour today.

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7 September 2022

Tracing Techniques to Teach Young Learners

As a parent, you want your child to master the art of writing as soon as they can hold objects… Continue reading Tracing Techniques to Teach Young Learners

As a parent, you want your child to master the art of writing as soon as they can hold objects with their fingers. However, writing often doesn’t come easy, and children may require long periods of practice before they become proficient. Including tracing in your child’s early learning activities can help them sharpen their pre-writing abilities and build a solid basis for both drawing and writing. In this article, we explore tracing techniques to teach young learners.

1. Engage children in activities that involve arm movement

Before introducing your child to letter and number tracing, begin with activities that require large arm movements. Writing is all about learning to control arms and fingers. Participating in activities involving arm movements helps strengthen arms and refine finger movements.

2. Develop their pincer grip

The pincer grip is the coordination of the index finger and the thumb to hold something. This skill typically develops in babies between the ages of 9 and 10 months. The pincer grisp is a significant fine motor achievement that helps them hold pencils and other writing instruments. Numerous activities help lay the groundwork for this skill, including:

  • Turning pages of a book
  • Using tweezers, spoons or forks
  • Eating with hands and playing with toys of different sizes

3. Teach them to trace basic shapes

Drawing shapes in the air with the pointer finger is one way to help your child learn how to trace shapes. Children also enjoy touching and exploring different textures. Filling a pan halfway with shaving cream, flour, or sand and allowing your child to trace shapes of different sizes with their finger is also a good foundation for tracing.

4. Show them how to trace toys, hands and alphabet letters

Toys, hands and alphabet letters come in various shapes and sizes. Children can trace around their hands and toys and follow dotted lines in an alphabet worksheet as they learn about structure. Eventually, they’ll be able to draw these shapes unaided.

5. Teach them to recognize and trace names

One of the early literacy skills that children learn is to recognize names. Knowing one’s own name helps children feel important, and knowing others’ names helps them build a community. A great way to start teaching your child how to write is by showing them how to write their name properly. Learning how to recognize and trace their names enables children to better understand letters and sounds and how they interact.

You can help your child learn to recognize and write their name by:

  • Creating tracing patterns: Use dotted lines on paper that spell out the letters in your child’s name. This will help them learn how to form these letters and improve their motor skills.
  • Displaying their names on labels or posters: Seeing their name on their lunch box or in their bedroom will improve your child’s memory and make tracing easier.
  • Experimenting with different materials: Tracing names doesn’t have to be done using pen and paper. You can make the activity fun for your child using different materials like clay, pebbles and paint.

Early learning at Rothewood Academy

At Rothewood Academy Early Learning centres our early learning educators are dedicated to providing the best tracing techniques to help your child refine their pre-writing skills and build the foundation for drawing and writing letters and words.

Contact us today to learn more about our programs or schedule a tour of one of our schools.

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7 September 2022

The Importance of Physical Education for Young Children

Encouraging physical activity in preschool children is beneficial for their mental, physical, and emotional well-being and development. This means creating… Continue reading The Importance of Physical Education for Young Children

Encouraging physical activity in preschool children is beneficial for their mental, physical, and emotional well-being and development. This means creating opportunities for them to move around and play with children their age.

Promoting and incorporating activities that raise your child’s heart rate is a fun way to help them maintain a healthy weight and mitigate disease. Physical activity also helps developing children build strong bones and muscles and enhances the endurance of their hearts and lungs.

Benefits of physical activity

Finding a preschool with a physical education program is essential for helping children build healthy lifestyle habits that can transcend into adulthood. Let us delve deeper into why physical activity is important for young children.

Development of motor skills

Physical activity builds bone density and promotes muscle development to support growth, which improves agility and posture for activities like walking, running and jumping. This helps to improve your child’s coordination and motor skills and can help them master everyday movements, thereby building their sense of independence and confidence in carrying out routine activities.

Improves overall health

The incidence of obesity and diabetes has increased in children over the years, predisposing them to cardiovascular diseases and body image challenges at a younger age. Physical activity helps children burn calories, preventing excessive weight gain and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases that could lead to health complications during childhood.

The benefits of physical activity also translate to mental health. Exercise releases “feel-good hormones” known as endorphins into the body. Endorphins improve mood and reduce anxiety, helping to improve mental health. Physical activity has also been shown to improve cognitive skills and boost confidence, factors that have a positive effect on self-esteem.

Build coping skills

Physical activity alters a child’s brain chemistry allowing them to better self-regulate their emotions. During organized gameplay, children must practice controlling their emotions which translates into other areas of their lives. When your child is upset, you can also engage them in physical activity such as walking or playing catch while discussing a difficult topic. This provides a healthy platform for expression and helps to keep their behavioural and emotional responses in check, leading to greater focus in the classroom.

Improve social development

Organized physical activity, such as playing a sport as part of a team, helps children build new friendships. Children learn camaraderie, communication and the value of working cohesively with others to overcome challenges and achieve a common goal.

Exercise requirements for children

Physical activities can be varied, from a light stroll to playing an organized sport. Exercise should be included in a child’s routine according to their age range and can even be broken up into small blocks of time throughout the day.

Children under a year old should get at least 30 minutes of floor play or tummy time per day.

Children ages 3 to 5 should have at least three hours of physical activity daily. One hour should be a high-energy activity such as dancing, using playground equipment, skipping or just running around with peers.

Children older than 5 should punctuate their day with light physical activity and at least one hour dedicated to moderate to vigorous exercise.

Physical education at Rothewood Academy

At Rothewood Academy Early Learning centres, we understand the importance of nurturing your child’s inclination to move and explore through active play. All our daycare and preschool programs integrate various forms of physical activity to create a foundation of movement in your child’s life. Physical education benefits your child’s well-being and helps them develop healthy social skills at a young age. Children who participate in physical activities are stronger, more confident and better able to concentrate on other activities. We have one of the largest natural outdoor playgrounds to encourage your child to move, play, and explore.

If you would like to learn more about Rothewood Academy, send us a message via our contact form or schedule a tour today.


18 March 2022

The Top Five Early Learning Myths

You may have heard varying opinions from family members and friends that have caused you to be hesitant about enrolling… Continue reading The Top Five Early Learning Myths

You may have heard varying opinions from family members and friends that have caused you to be hesitant about enrolling your child in an early learning program. However, opting out of an early learning program may rob your child of the opportunity to have a tailored educational experience that can shape essential developmental skills that will serve them throughout their academic years. Having a better understanding of early childhood education can help you wade through the myths and make the best decision for you and your child.

Below are some common myths about early learning.

Myth 1. Daycare is the same as an early learning program

The term daycare tends to be used interchangeably with early childhood learning programs, creating the misconception that they are the same. Both are beneficial to a child’s development and offer a secure and supervised space while parents work during the day. Still, daycare can be limited in the opportunities presented to a child. At daycare, your child may socialize with other kids and even have a semi-structured environment that may or may not include basic learning of the alphabet and counting.

Early childhood learning centres, such as Rothewood Academy Early Learning centres provide a play-based curriculum of activities administered by licensed early childhood educators that help children learn life skills that will be useful throughout their lives.

Myth 2. Early childhood education is easy

Early child care educators are required to complete extensive training in courses such as child psychology and development, child health and safety and behaviour management. They must also show their ability to design a curriculum that facilitates learning at all stages of a child’s development. Early childhood practitioners are trained to problem solve, teach children conflict resolution, and maintain the health and safety of your child, all while building relationships with both parents and children.

Myth 3. Early learning doesn’t allow kids to be kids

Enrolling kids in an early learning program will not rob them of their childhood. In fact, early learning programs that are geared towards providing an environment for structured play enable a child to learn through the medium that suits them best – play. Children are naturally inquisitive, and their brains are developing rapidly up to the age of 5. Early childhood programs that encourage your child to interact with their environment, explore, and play in a structured, collaborative, and supervised way allow children to be kids and learn in a more individualized way.

Myth 4. Children are too young to retain anything

The first five years of a child’s life are crucial to the emotional and social development of their brain. During these years, your child’s brain will develop faster than at any other point in their life. They learn and absorb information more quickly, and this is greatly influenced by their external factors and experiences. This is the ideal stage to help a child develop skills such as a second language or social skills that will help sustain them throughout their lives. Immersing your child in an early childhood learning program gives them a leg up in the development of their motor, language, problem-solving, and cognitive skills. They have a safe and supervised environment that allows them to develop and practice skills that will give them a solid foundation.

Myth 5. Early learning is not worth the expense

Statistics show that children who have benefitted from early learning programs are more likely to avoid toxic and criminal situations, own a home and earn more money in their jobs.

Countries that have an educated workforce have better economies. So this investment in your child’s education is not only beneficial to them, it creates a better economy for their families as well.

Early learning at Rothewood Academy Early Learning centre in Surrey, BC

The Rothewood method of play-based learning focuses on teaching your child as a whole – head, hands, and heart. It gives one a unique experience of a daycare and a preschool . Children enjoy interacting with their natural environment and learn through various experiences to help stimulate their holistic development. Schedule a tour to experience the Rothewood method today.


4 March 2022

Morning Drop-Off: Tips for the Morning Child Care Routine

Morning drop-off is the most popular option for parents who must go out to work or run errands. Ideally,a daycare… Continue reading Morning Drop-Off: Tips for the Morning Child Care Routine

Morning drop-off is the most popular option for parents who must go out to work or run errands. Ideally,a daycare is an environment that guarantees  learning and the proper supervision of children in an organized, playful setting. It can be a full-time or part-time centre-based program or in-home and is a fitting pre-school experience where children can interact with their peers as they learn.

With a proper morning routine prepping for morning drop-off at the daycare/preschool can be managed smoothly on most occasions, This helps save time and energy and prevent unnecessary stress. Here are a few tips for developing your morning drop-off routine at the daycare/preschool.

1. Plan days or weeks ahead

Planning makes your morning routine organized and less stressful. Meal and outfit selections for each week can be made ahead of time to make the morning care activities a lot easier. Make a list of all the things you may need for each day so that you don’t forget anything of importance.

2. Complete chores the night before

Mornings can be hectic, and anything unexpected can and will happen from time to time. It makes a big difference in the morning when you have done most of the preparations and chores the night before. This saves a lot of time and energy and makes room for any unplanned situation. Once you’ve finished your preparations, ensure everything is placed in a location that is easily accessible. For example, put day bags close to the door so that you do not leave anything behind.

3. Get up ahead of schedule

If possible, try to get up ahead of your scheduled wake-up time. This gives you enough time to relax and helps to eliminate doing things in a rush. Set your alarm for the same time every morning. This creates a rhythm that helps to make your routine second nature.

4. Do not expect too much from your child

Certain tasks are unreasonable for children still in daycare. You cannot expect younger children to wash and dress themselves on time or make their beds. Set realistic expectations based on your child’s age and leave room for a little idle time.

5. Ensure your child goes to bed early

Before you can conquer the day, you have to survive the night. A child needs at least 8 hours of sleep. Without adequate sleep, your child can become fussy, easily agitated and slow, making your morning routine stressful. Just as it is very important for your child to get adequate rest, so it is for you and your family.

6. Get ready first

Start your morning off by getting ready first. That way, you can focus on helping your little one so that you can get out of the house in good time.

7. Have a family meeting

As long as your child is old enough to partake in a family meeting, discuss developing a routine that works for you and your family. Discuss what you want to achieve each morning and the role each person will play to make the morning child care process easier. Assign each capable family member a reasonable task. Stress the importance of sticking to this routine and fulfilling assigned tasks.

Are you seeking daycare for your child? Rothewood Academy Early Learning centres offers a warm, safe and nurturing environment to groom your child’s socio-emotional, physical and intellectual skills. The teachers at Rothewood Academy have received specialized training to provide the best care for your child. Contact us today to learn more about our daycare programs or schedule a tour.


18 February 2022

6 Ways Your Child Can Benefit From the Right Daycare

The quality of early learning that your child receives can have lasting effects on their success as school-aged children, teens… Continue reading 6 Ways Your Child Can Benefit From the Right Daycare

The quality of early learning that your child receives can have lasting effects on their success as school-aged children, teens and adults. Therefore, the decision to enrol your child in daycare shouldn’t be taken lightly. Children excel in dynamic environments that support their well-being. Here are some of the advantages of enrolling your child in the right daycare program:

A Strong Academic Foundation

Children thrive in daycare settings that allow them to develop their cognitive skills while having fun. At Rothewood Academy, kids learn about speech, numbers, colours, shapes and more through games, storytelling, nursery rhymes and other fun activities. This encourages them to develop a positive attitude towards learning which helps them become exceptional students and high achievers later on. In addition, they will find it easier to transition to kindergarten.

As you research daycare facilities, remember to inquire about the curriculum to see if the lessons are tailored to your child’s age and developmental stage. You should also find out if the teachers are licensed early childhood educators and certified in First Aid.

Quality Facilities and Materials

Is the daycare centre warm, friendly and conducive to learning? You may be able to tell by the furniture, accent walls, toys and so on. Ensure that toys and teaching materials are clean, safe and age-appropriate. Furthermore, check if the classrooms and other surroundings are clean and hazard-free. A fun and comfortable environment will bring out the best in your child.

More Structure

Routine and time management are important components of early learning because they give children a sense of stability and familiarity. Scheduled learning activities, playtime, naps and snack times give children an appreciation for structure and discipline. It also helps them learn time management as an essential part of growing up.

Good Social Skills

Quality daycare also presents an opportunity for your child to connect with their peers in a supervised, safe and structured environment. Feeling comfortable and confident in social settings benefits them as they get older and meet new people.

Children learn about team building, problem-solving, sharing, respect, and friendships when they play. These lessons contribute to their social and emotional development and shape their personalities as they grow.

Boosted Immune System

Little ones are more prone to illnesses. It can be beneficial for them to have more sick days at this stage, building up immunity for when they start school. However, teachers and other caregivers at the right daycare will properly emphasize sanitation practices such as frequent hand washing and proper disposal of waste.

Increased Independence

The right daycare encourages your child to develop a sense of independence. Getting your child accustomed to being away from you and relying on their teachers and themselves helps reduce separation anxiety. Teachers will help to further boost their confidence by asking them to put on their socks, pack away their toys and do other activities independently.

Early Learning at Rothewood Academy

The ideal daycare setting does more than accommodate parents with busy schedules; it fosters the holistic development of infants and toddlers. The licensed early childhood educators at Rothewood Academy are dedicated to helping your little ones reach their full potential during their formative years.

Our accredited curriculum includes international best practices, which help your child develop social skills, listening and auditory memory skills, and articulation and concept formation. Schedule a tour today or send us a message via our contact form to learn more about our programs.

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26 January 2022

How to Make Sure Your Child’s Needs Are Met at Daycare

While you can put a lot of care into ensuring that your child is safe at home, you can’t always… Continue reading How to Make Sure Your Child’s Needs Are Met at Daycare

While you can put a lot of care into ensuring that your child is safe at home, you can’t always control everything around them when they’re out of your sight. For many parents, ensuring that their child’s needs are met at daycare can be challenging. Many children may have bouts of separation anxiety or experience days when they don’t want to go to daycare, perhaps because some of their needs are not met there. How can you ensure your child’s needs are met while in daycare?

Tips for ensuring your child’s needs are met at daycare

Below are tips on how you can make sure your child’s early learning experience and time at the daycare are comfortable.

1. Fill out the enrolment forms properly

When you present your child at daycare, you will usually be given some forms to fill out. Make sure that you list your child’s allergies and other medical conditions that the staff should know. Also, ensure that you update the team when your child starts a new medication or develops a recent illness or condition that may require special attention. At Rothewood Daycare and Preschool Academy, the Rothewood Illness Policy on our Parents Resource page provides guidelines on what to do when your child is ill.

2. Ask for a commitment from the daycare

Children need consistent and predictable care. It can help them to form a secure attachment to their caregivers. At the daycare, find out how long the current caregivers have been working there and how much staff turnover the centre usually experiences. At Rothewood Daycare and Preschool Academy, we offer additional training to our staff to ensure teacher competency. The Rothewood Teachers Training Program provides our teachers with the tools to be conversant with our curriculum. As a result, your child experiences exceptional learning and care at our facilities. Our teachers also create a friendly environment for the students to feel safe and cared for as they grow and learn.

3. Communicate with the staff

Ensure that the daycare staff are updated on the day-to-day development of your child’s health conditions; this will help them take any necessary precautions with your child. If there are new staff members taking care of your child at the daycare, talk to them and highlight your child’s specific needs. At Rothewood Daycare and Preschool Academy, we pride ourselves on listening to the parents and providing up-to-date reports on their children’s progress. You can always contact our staff to discuss issues regarding your child or raise your concerns and take comfort in knowing that your child’s needs are met.

4. Check your child’s happiness

A child’s daycare environment needs to be safe and should offer all types of early education experiences, but it is also important that the child is happy attending the daycare. The main factors to look for are whether your child has friends from the daycare, looks forward to important events or days, and has a bond with a caregiver at the daycare.

At Rothewood Daycare and Preschool Academy, our focus is on offering the best care to the children and ensuring they feel connected to the learning and their natural environment. The beautifully designed natural playgrounds help the children connect while having fun.

Are you looking for a daycare that meets your child’s needs?

At Rothewood Daycare and Preschool Academy, we are dedicated to providing the best care that will meet your child’s needs under the guidance of our caring and qualified staff. We also provide your child with world-class early learning, as well as the opportunity to play with other children of the same age and intellectual level.

Call us today to schedule your tour and learn more about us.

5 questions

20 January 2022

5 Questions to Consider When Looking for After-School Programs

After-school programs can be viewed as an engaging and creative extension of the school day. As working parents, you are… Continue reading 5 Questions to Consider When Looking for After-School Programs

After-school programs can be viewed as an engaging and creative extension of the school day. As working parents, you are concerned about what your child will do after the school day has ended, especially when you are not able to pick them up right after school. An after-school program would be the solution to this concern. When checking out after-school programs, it is important to look for a place where there is early learning, and your child is protected, able to relax and have fun. It is found that children who attend after-school programs complete assignments on time, are better behaved in school, and have better attendance. After-school programs not only involve academics but also aid in child development. When assessing after-school programs, there are a few important questions that you might want to ask.

1. Do they offer character-building programs?

The task of keeping children safe and improving their academic achievement should be a goal of the after-school program. Children should be taught lessons of ethics, self-confidence, compassion, tolerance, and perseverance. These lessons help to keep them focused in class, working for good grades, and refraining from engaging in bad behaviours. You want to look for a program that enhances the interpersonal skills of your children and teaches good behaviours that can contribute positively to their communities and society.

2. What activities or programs are offered?

It is important to know the types of activities or programs that are offered. These activities should be fun and engaging to spark the interest of your child. Ensure there are various programs, including science, technology, engineering, and math.

Whatever programs or activities are offered, they should be something that children can learn from.

3. What type of background does the staff have?

You want a program where staff members have a background in dealing with children. More importantly, you want to make sure that the staff is qualified in child development, learning, and attention issues, as well as education. It is an added plus when staff members have an understanding of the developmental needs of children and how to identify them. There should be someone available to assist children in completing their homework.

4. How do they handle discipline?

After-school programs are geared to hosting quite a few children with different personalities and attitudes; it is, therefore, inevitable that conflict will arise between them. It is vital to note how these conflicts are resolved by staff members and how discipline is administered or enforced. There should be a plan or protocol on how conflicts are resolved and the disciplinary actions that are taken when needed.

5. Is it a place where my child will feel comfortable?

Children will take part in activities and open up more in situations that they are comfortable in. The program should not feel as if it is a school day that is being extended. Rather, it should be an environment that doesn’t look like a classroom and emits positive vibes. Therefore when looking into after-school programs, ensure it is somewhere your child will be comfortable and relaxed.

If you are looking for a great after-school program for your child, Rothewood Academy offers one of the best options. Rothewood Academy provides a safe and nurturing environment to harness your child’s emotional, physical, and intellectual skills. They focus on individual needs and abilities achieved through maintaining strong relationships with parents and the communities. For more details on our after-school program, contact us today at


20 January 2022

How Do You Teach Your Kids About Germs?

Due to their underdeveloped immune systems and high exposure to germs at school and other childcare facilities, children are more… Continue reading How Do You Teach Your Kids About Germs?

Due to their underdeveloped immune systems and high exposure to germs at school and other childcare facilities, children are more vulnerable than adults to sickness caused by germs. Children seldom understand the importance of good hygiene habits, which further raises their susceptibility to illness. Thus, teaching them about germs during their early learning stages is very important. Educating your children about germs is increasingly necessary given the global COVID-19 pandemic. Research has shown that explaining basic hygiene to kids at an early age can help them be more germ-conscious in the long run. Here’s how you can teach your children about germsꓽ

Understand Germ Education

To properly educate your children about germs, you must first understand the topic yourself. Teaching about germs can be tedious, and proper preparation can reduce confusion. If you have difficulty finding reliable information, you may want to consult a pediatrician. Pediatricians can provide you with information to help you to explain the complex topic.

Use Simple, Easy to Understand Terms

Ensure that your children fully understand the information by explaining it using simple language. It also helps to use examples to which they can relate. Online resources provide videos and other materials that help make lessons simple and easy to understand.

Make Lessons Fun

Children have a much shorter attention span than adults, and learning about germs can be boring. When teaching them, it’s important to make the lessons fun and interactive. Exciting and interactive activities help children get engrossed in the subject, which helps them better retain information. You can make the lessons fun by using music and games. Online resources can help you find fun games and activities that you can do with your kids.

Teach Them How to Avoid Germs

Children should know what germs are and how to avoid them. You will need to teach them to cultivate healthy habits that help them avoid germs and prevent them from spreading to others. These habits includeꓽ

  • Avoiding sharing certain personal items with others, such as eating utensils.
  • Keeping a safe distance from anyone who is sick. For example, anyone who is sneezing, coughing or has a runny nose.
  • Covering a cough or sneeze.

Teach Them Proper Handwashing

Washing your hands is an effective way to prevent the spread of germs. Instructing your children how to wash their hands properly is very important. Show them how to lather and scrub all surfaces of their hands for at least 20 seconds before rinsing. Furthermore, teach them when to wash their hands – for example, before and after meals.

Make Germ Education a Part of Everyday Life

Another way to ensure your kids learn about germs is by making lessons a part of everyday life. When doing day-to-day activities such as cleaning, explain how maintaining a clean environment helps keep them safe from germs. That deepens learning and helps them cultivate good long-term habits.

Create the Best Environment for Early Learning

The environment in which your child learns is just as important as the lessons themselves. With the new school year quickly approaching, finding a preschool that focuses on providing top-quality education and a safe environment is vital. At Rothewood Academy Early Learning centres, our unwavering commitment to holistic education is what makes us unique. This commitment includes providing a safe and healthy environment where our students can thrive and learn. Our team of capable teachers and caregivers ensure that your children are safe while entrusted to our care. Call or visit our website today to schedule a tour and learn more about our schools.


18 January 2022

Nanny Vs. Daycare: What’s the Right Choice for Your Child?

For many parents, deciding on who should take care of their baby while they’re at work can be a daunting… Continue reading Nanny Vs. Daycare: What’s the Right Choice for Your Child?

For many parents, deciding on who should take care of their baby while they’re at work can be a daunting task. Other than choosing to be a stay-at-home parent or having relatives watch your child, the two main options for childcare are hiring a nanny or enrolling your child in a daycare centre. This article explores the pros and cons of each service to help you decide on the right childcare option for you.

Hiring a Nanny

Nannies care for a child in the family home. They take care of their daily needs and carry out duties like washing the child’s clothes, preparing meals, cleaning and organizing their activities. You can employ a nanny on a full-time or part-time basis. While most nannies live in their own homes, you can arrange to have a nanny live with you and your family.

The Pros

The advantages of hiring a nanny include:

  1. Individual care and attention: Nannies can focus on your child’s individual needs since there’s no competition with other children for care or attention.
  2. Familiar space: Your child gets to remain in a safe, stable, and comfortable environment, and the nanny comes to your home.
  3. More parental control: With your nanny close by, you have more control of how they care for your child, what food they prepare, and where your child goes.
  4. Flexibility: Since nannies work only for you, you can structure their working hours to fit your needs.
  5. Customized services: You can decide what duties to delegate since you pay your nanny directly.

The Cons

Here are some cons of having a nanny:

  1. Parenting style conflicts: If you and your nanny disagree on specific parenting issues, there is the chance that conflict may arise and strain your relationship.
  2. Cost: Hiring a nanny is often more expensive than daycare services.
  3. Limited qualifications: Although most nannies are CPR certified, the law doesn’t require them to hold specific child development certifications.
  4. Lateness and sickness: Unless you have backup childcare, you face significant inconvenience if your nanny arrives late or falls sick.

Enrolling Your Child in Daycare

A daycare centre is a facility that offers childcare in a group setting. These centres require parents to drop their children off. The children follow a schedule for activities like nap time, mealtime, pick-up and drop-off, and more.

The Pros

Here are the pros of enrolling your child in daycare:

  1. Accreditations and regulations: The law requires daycare centres to follow specific rules concerning sanitation, safety, space issues and staffing.
  2. Resources: Most locations offer books, toys, games, playing equipment and extra recreational activities such as art and music.
  3. Social skills: Daycare centres offer children a space to develop social skills as they grow and learn with other children.
  4. Cost: Group services are often more affordable than hiring a nanny since you share childcare costs with other families.
  5. Multiple teachers: Most daycare centres have several trained teachers who have years of experience working with children.

The Cons

Some drawbacks of enrolling your child in daycare include:

  1. Exposure to germs and illnesses: Children in daycare are likely to get sick more often than others since germs can be easily spread in group settings.
  2. Inflexibility: Daycare centres run on specific fixed hours. If you are late picking your child up, you may be subject to an additional fee.
  3. Sick policies: There are usually strict guidelines regarding illness. If your child falls ill, you’ll have to pick them up and possibly find alternative care.
  4. Accidents: Falls and bites can be common in daycare since they are busy spaces and involve much more social interaction.

Are You Looking for a Daycare Centre for Your Child?

At Rothewood Academy Early Learning centres, our trained educators are committed to offering your child comprehensive early learning and holistic development.

Call us to learn more about our programs or schedule your tour today.


18 January 2022

Preschool vs. Daycare: Do You Know the Difference?

When parents review options for childcare, they often see the terms preschool and daycare used to describe similar types of… Continue reading Preschool vs. Daycare: Do You Know the Difference?

When parents review options for childcare, they often see the terms preschool and daycare used to describe similar types of programs. However, each option is different in terms of age group, education and childcare services. If you’re uncertain how to tell preschool and daycare apart, read on to learn what each has to offer.

Preschool Age vs. Daycare Age

One of the biggest differences between preschool and daycare is the age group for which each service is intended.

Daycare is meant for babies and toddlers and will generally accept children between 18 months and three years old. However, preschool-age children tend to be between two and five years old.

Preschool Schedule vs. Daycare Schedule

Another contrast between preschool and daycare is how each program is scheduled. Daycare is offered year-round and operates on a Monday to Friday schedule to accommodate working parents. Usually, daycare services will end in the early evening, depending on the needs of individual parents.

However, because preschool operates within an elementary school setting, it is only available during the school year and closes during the summer. Furthermore, many preschools are offered for only half of a school day (between 8 am and 12 pm, for example) though some preschools remain open during regular school hours.

Childcare vs. School Setting

The environments offered by preschools and daycares also differ considerably. While daycare focuses primarily on providing childcare services for working parents, preschool is intended to get young children used to a traditional school setting.

Daycare workers are sometimes trained to provide early education; however, teaching is not the main point of daycare. Instead, daycare is where children are looked after while participating in a typical daily schedule for their age group, such as playing with toys and games, watching children’s programming and taking naps.

Preschool has a stronger focus on early childhood education such as basic math, art, social skills and reading.

Do You Know the Difference?

One of the many reasons preschool and daycare are often confused is that preschool is not required for children to begin elementary school. Therefore, many view preschool as simply a childcare service rather than an educational environment.

It is essential to be aware of the differences between preschool and daycare so that you can choose the best option for your child’s age and development, as well as your own personal and work schedule.

If your child is not quite old enough for a preschool setting, you may want to consider a daycare service. However, if your child has reached the right age to thrive in a school setting, preschool is an excellent choice to boost their learning skills.

Choose Rothwood Academy for Your Children

If you’re considering daycare or preschool for your child, our team at Rothwood Academy would be pleased to offer them a spot in our program.

At Rothwood Academy, we offer both daycare and preschool options, and we will gladly help you choose which option is best for your child. Our school provides individualized and personalized learning for every child, ensuring they feel safe and comfortable while getting the most out of their time with us.

If you’re interested in learning more about our program, contact us at to discuss our curriculum and the services we offer. We look forward to hearing from you.


10 December 2021

Easy Ways to Teach Preschool Kids to Count

In preschool, educators teach basic counting concepts in a fun and exciting way. These skills lay the foundations for future… Continue reading Easy Ways to Teach Preschool Kids to Count

In preschool, educators teach basic counting concepts in a fun and exciting way. These skills lay the foundations for future math curricula and inspire an enthusiasm for learning. There are many easy ways to continue teaching preschool kids to count at home to help them learn and develop.

It is important to keep counting lessons short but frequent. Preschool children have a short attention span and can become overwhelmed or frustrated by long periods of learning. It is better to incorporate counting throughout your child’s day rather than one dedicated lesson time.

If possible, let your child touch and interact with the object you are counting. Including other senses like touch, smell, and sight into your counting lessons will keep your child engaged with and excited about what you are doing together.

Overall, remember to be patient and have fun! Teaching your preschool child to count should be a special and fulfilling moment of bonding between you.

Here are 8 easy ways that teachers and family members can teach preschool kids to count:

  1. Modeling Counting
    There are many ways to model counting throughout your day. Try counting aloud how many snacks they have at lunch or the number of crayons they are colouring with. This method introduces counting concepts to your preschool child regularly, which allows them to internalize the lesson and reinforces what they’ve learned.
  2. Asking Ages
    One way to start teaching your child numbers is to ask how old they are and show the correct number on your fingers. You can help your child show the same number on their own hands and say the number aloud. You may also include other family members or friends by having them demonstrate their age on their hands.
  3. Tower Blocks
    Collect a bin of building blocks for your child and ask them to take one block out at a time, counting aloud. As you start to build a tower together, count each block. See how high your child can count while building the tallest tower. If it falls, they will likely want to build another taller one.
  4. Bouncing Balls
    Bouncy balls are a great way to teach counting to preschool children, as they can touch the ball and throw it. Let your child bounce the ball and together count how many bounces the ball takes. This activity may be difficult for younger children, so make sure they are having fun.
  5. Animal Figurines
    If your child has any animal figurines, you can invite your child to count how many legs each animal has. Some have 2 or 4, while others, like snakes, have none. It’s important to introduce the number 0 to your child since we usually start at 1 when counting.
  6. Block Numbers
    Laying block, magnetic, or foam numbers out on the floor allows children to see the written number instead of only hearing it aloud or counting other objects. Encourage your child to put the numbers in the correct order. Remember to start small with numbers 1, 2 and 3 before introducing large numbers.
  7. Number Books
    There are so many fun counting books for preschool children. From dinosaurs to soccer to unicorns, try to find a book that fits your child’s interests. Setting aside time to read with your child is important for their mental skills and creates a special moment together.
  8. Singing Songs
    Songs like “One, Two, Buckle My Shoe” or “Five Speckled Frogs” are rhythmic and repetitive, which helps children to learn counting in an easy and fun way. Singing together won’t even feel like learning—but will help your preschool child build early math skills.

8 December 2021

Why is Early Childhood Education So Important?

Before a child’s fifth birthday, the brain has completed approximately 90% of its growth. Early childhood education during this time… Continue reading Why is Early Childhood Education So Important?

Before a child’s fifth birthday, the brain has completed approximately 90% of its growth. Early childhood education during this time provides essential foundations for children before they begin the rest of their school life. Pre-kindergarten learning programs allow children to navigate interactions with peers, learn basic math and vocabulary, and establish a strong base for social development and learning capabilities.

Ultimately, early childhood education does not only influence a child’s immediate school experience but also sets them up for a fulfilling future as an adult.

What is early childhood education?

Early childhood education takes place before children enter a formal kindergarten program. These programs use innovative learning approaches like structured play, outdoor exploration and an introduction to core subjects to provide children with the best opportunity for fulfilling school life.

Research shows that children who participate in early learning programs have several advantages in the rest of their academic journey and continuing into adulthood.

Here are some of the benefits of enrolling a child in a pre-kindergarten program:

Enhanced social skills

Children who partake in early learning regularly interact with people outside of their family, like peers and teachers. These interactions expose children to unfamiliar social situations and allow professional adults to model skills like cooperation, sharing and problem-solving. By socializing with peers and adults at an early age, children will have an easier time interacting with each other, their teachers and their family as they grow and experience more complex or emotional social situations.

Interest in lifelong learning

Early childhood education incorporates fun and innovative learning for children that can transform their view of education and school. If a child’s introduction to formal education is exciting, their enthusiasm for learning will continue beyond pre-kindergarten. By encouraging a child’s natural interest in discovering at a young age, they will develop a deeper passion for learning. The experiences may lead a child to post-secondary education or other academic ventures.

Early learning also allows children to experience the rewarding feeling of overcoming a challenge. This feeling of satisfaction gives children the self-confidence to grow and try new experiences in the future.

Improved learning capabilities

Children enrolled in early education programs have more experience learning and interacting within an educational setting. Research has shown that these children subsequently enter kindergarten with a strong understanding of curriculum foundations, the ability to concentrate on tasks and basic knowledge of appropriate school behaviour. The skills gained through early learning set children up for a successful academic life.

Successful future

Not only does early childhood education benefits children in their development years and school life, but it also supports their growth into healthy and successful adults. Studies show that adults who participated in early learning programs as children—compared to those who did not—were:

  • More likely to attend university or college
  • More likely to hold a steady job
  • Paid higher wages
  • Less likely to become teen parents
  • Less likely to become involved with crime or substance use

Early learning opportunities benefit children in many ways throughout their lives. Our goal at Rothewood Academy Early Learning centres is to use innovative learning methods to empower children to change the world.

If you have any questions about early childhood education, our schools, or how to enroll your child in one of our programs, please send us a message via our contact form or schedule a tour today.

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8 October 2021

How to Prepare Your Child for Preschool

Sending your child off to school for the first time can be stressful. After all, it is unfamiliar territory for… Continue reading How to Prepare Your Child for Preschool

Sending your child off to school for the first time can be stressful. After all, it is unfamiliar territory for both parent and child. This important milestone may seem difficult, but with the right plan, parents can guarantee a smooth start. Here are a few tips to prepare your child for preschool.

Build vocabulary

Engage in conversation with your child to help them learn how to express themselves and build a robust vocabulary. This allows your child to share their concerns without being prompted. It also encourages knowing and understanding the use of words in the right context.

Read at home

Practise reading to your child regularly so they become familiar with the activity. This way, when the teacher reads to them in class, they will be more inclined to listen. Reading also builds a strong bond between you and your child while boosting their language, pronunciation and communication skills, all fundamental skills needed in the classroom.

Introduce classroom tools

Do not wait until school starts to teach your child how to grasp a pencil, say their ABCs or start counting. As soon as you believe your child is ready to learn, give it a go. While you’re at it, also teach your child to recognize and spell their name if they can.

Encourage play

Allow your child to play. This activity, while underrated, helps build motor skills, creativity and imagination. Through play, children learn to structure, decision-making, and their likes and dislikes. Having mastered play at home, they will be more open to playing with others in the school.

Set a routine

Routines support healthy development in early childhood. It also helps your child to establish a sleep schedule and helps develop self-discipline. Setting a routine also reduces stress and gives your child comfort in anticipating what comes next. Preschool relies on a lot of routine activities, so getting them accustomed to set schedules will facilitate a smooth transition.

Practise meal times

As you get your child ready for preschool, food is also a major concern. Ensure that your child is independent enough to use utensils properly and practise proper hygiene before meals.

Visit preschool

A great way to settle your child into preschool is to have them visit the new environment before their first day. Visiting the school will give your child a chance to become familiar with the teachers and facilities. A quick visit will not only help your child get acquainted with their new school, but it will also make it easier for you to say goodbye on their very first day.

It is completely normal to feel first-day jitters, but at Rothewood Academy, your child will be well taken care of by trained professionals. Having followed all the tips above, as soon as you drop off your child at preschool, reassure them that everything is fine and give them a warm goodbye.

Schedule a tour today if you would like to learn more about the preschool program at Rothewood Academy Early Learning centres.

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3 September 2021

The Role of Play in Daycare Learning

Did you know that the United Nations recognizes play as a right of every child? This is so because play… Continue reading The Role of Play in Daycare Learning

Did you know that the United Nations recognizes play as a right of every child? This is so because play is essential for child development. Play can help encourage communication, foster positive relationships, and improve cognitive skills.

Since 90% of brain development occurs by the age of 5, caregivers in daycare settings must provide an environment that is safe and gives children a variety of opportunities to play and explore.

Below are some types of play that should be encouraged to facilitate the holistic development of your child.

Independent or solitary play

Independent or solitary play is crucial for the development of a child’s imagination, creativity, concentration, and ability to explore. Independent play allows children the freedom to use their imagination to create stories and invent and act out scenarios. It helps to build social independence, self-sufficiency, and self-confidence as they learn to be comfortable on their own. This type of play encourages children to take risks and problem-solve. They get to test their hypothesis and find solutions to play on their own, thereby building their self-esteem and identity.

Time alone allows a child to play in a relaxed environment, at their own pace, and to regulate their emotions. When a child is overstimulated, it can lead to tantrums. Having time alone to relax helps them counteract overwhelming emotions, re-centre, and develop coping skills.

Parallel play

Children will start to feel a part of a social construct through parallel play. During parallel play, toddlers will still play independently but in the presence of other children. Despite not actively engaging other children, your child will listen and take note of how others interact. These observations will be utilized later when they feel comfortable and ready to collaborate with others. Children at this stage do not understand the concept of sharing and are protective of what they consider to be theirs. This provides an opportunity to introduce toys, like building blocks, that can be shared or group activities such as ring games.

Associative play

Associative play encourages interaction and the sharing of toys. Toddlers may not yet be ready to work on a common goal together, but they are building their communication skills and learning to adapt to others’ expectations. As their social and self-regulatory skills develop, they will become more interactive with their peers.

Cooperative or group play

During group play, your toddler will be more sociable and inclusive. Cooperative play is a culmination of all that has been learnt in the various stages of play. Children are more interactive, share toys and ideas, and collaborate on a mutual activity. Children should still be allowed to set the pace and create the theme for their play activities. Caregivers should only intervene in cooperative play if there is a need to quell a social dispute or assist with problem-solving skills.

Natural or outdoor play

Integrating outdoor play in daycare learning helps to improve a child’s motor skills, increases muscle strength, spatial and sensory skills, and self-awareness. Outdoor play provides children exposure to natural light, which enhances mental health and performance. It gives toddlers opportunities to explore independently and in groups.

The Rothewood Method

Play is a natural part of being a child. It feeds brain development while building progressive skills your child will need to support them in the future. At Rothewood Academy Early Learning centres, we are committed to the holistic development of your child. We encourage and support age-appropriate forms of play by providing an enriching curriculum and environment that nurtures free exploration and collaboration. Give us a call today to schedule a tour to experience the Rothewood Educational Method.


3 September 2021

How to Choose the Best Preschool for Your Child

By the time a child reaches the age of 5, their brain has already undergone 90% of its development. Therefore,… Continue reading How to Choose the Best Preschool for Your Child

By the time a child reaches the age of 5, their brain has already undergone 90% of its development. Therefore, early childhood education can impact the entire course of your child’s life, which is why preschool is so important.

Preschool is an educational institution where children, ages 3 to 5, engage in learning and play guided by trained professionals. In preschool, children learn how to be independent, follow directions, share and be social beings. However, not all preschools are created equal, and if you want your child to flourish, you must ensure you choose the right one.

Below are a few tips to help you choose the best preschool for your child.

Ask for referrals

If you do not know where to start your search for a preschool, ask your family, friends or neighbours who currently have children in preschool or children who recently attended preschool. You could even ask your pediatrician for recommendations.

Get information on the school’s curriculum

Look for a preschool whose curriculum focuses on hands-on learning and developmentally appropriate play, with an emphasis on fostering social and emotional development. Teachers and directors should have clear and appropriate goals for each student based on their age, and the preschool program should include music, reading, writing, language and art and craft activities.

Consider the qualifications of the teachers

Ideally, preschool teachers should possess a bachelor’s degree or college diploma in early childhood education. They should also be licensed. Well-trained and experienced teachers will know how to address and overcome the challenges of teaching young children to get them excited about learning.

Consider transportation and distance

Another factor to think about when selecting a preschool is location. Would it be more convenient for your child to attend a school closer to home, or are you willing for them to travel a greater distance to attend the school of your choice? You must consider the demands of your life and whether you will have enough time to drive your child to and from school each day or if there are alternative transportation options.

Tour the school

Schedule a tour at the preschool you are considering. On your tour, observe whether the environment seems to be conducive to learning. Is the school clean and tidy? Do the classrooms have defined spaces for a variety of activities? Are there age-appropriate learning materials?

It would be helpful if you visit while classes are in session so you can take note of how the teachers interact with the children. Are they gentle and caring? Do the teachers display a positive attitude and interact with children frequently? How do they approach discipline? These are key things to bear in mind when considering a preschool.

Check all the details

Request a handbook for the school and ensure you read the details before you enroll your child. Take note of the school’s hours, registration and tuition fees. Also, ask about their safety policy and what plans are in place for dealing with emergencies.

Visit Rothewood Academy

If you are searching for a preschool where your child will develop skills that will lay the foundation for future success, contact us at Rothewood Academy Early Learning

Our curriculum is based on inquiry and exploration to encourage children to be curious about the world and become life-long learners. We retain experienced, passionate and caring teachers who work hard to provide a range of high-quality learning opportunities that awaken the individual talents of each child.

Want to learn more about our preschool program? Call us today to schedule a tour of one of our schools.


21 July 2021

The Importance of Colour in Early Learning

The correlation between colour and the brain has fascinated psychologists, neuroscientists and other scientists for many years. They’ve presented several… Continue reading The Importance of Colour in Early Learning

The correlation between colour and the brain has fascinated psychologists, neuroscientists and other scientists for many years. They’ve presented several studies that show how colours affect our moods, feelings and behaviours. Their findings have gone on to influence the way we decorate our homes, what we wear to a courtroom, how we promote products and other key areas of our lives.

Perhaps the group that is most obsessed with colours is young children. Their brains may not be fully developed, but they can process images around them. This is why we must create stimulating environments that are suited for each stage of their development.

Should colours be included in these environments? Do they play a key role in early learning? Experts posit that these colours can enhance early learning:

Early Learning marker Blue- A top choice because it encourages creativity. A cool blue can help your child to relax. On the other hand, too much blueEarly Learning | Painting at Rothewood Academy (especially darker blues) can dampen your baby’s spirit.
marker Yellow – This colour has the power to make children and their teachers happy. Just like the sun, it adds energy to a room and radiates warmth and zest.
marker Orange – It has been proven to enhance critical thinking and memory. It may also be useful in the rooms of children who have difficulty socializing.
marker Purple – This colour also promotes creativity. Parents and teachers of hyperactive children can use it to help them to calm down.
marker Green – It’s an excellent option as a calming colour that provides mental clarity.

Let’s explore the significance of colours in each stage of early learning.

0 to 3 months

As a newborn, your baby’s vision is monochromatic. This means that in their world, everything is either a shade of black, white or grey. It would be pointless to introduce other colours at this stage because they will not have any effect on your baby’s cognitive development.

Make the most of this stage by including clothes and toys that reflect contrasting patterns and shapes with a monochromatic colour scheme. You can also use this colour scheme to decorate their room.

Your baby will benefit from this environment as patterns and shapes in black, grey and white send the strongest visual signals to a baby’s brain, thereby accelerating their visual development and strengthening their nervous system.

Consequently, a visually stimulating environment can boost your baby’s attention span and improve their memory.

3 to 6 months

You’ll notice your baby’s growing curiosity from 3 to 6 months, thanks to their exposure to monochromatic patterns and shapes. Their visual ability is improving too, so now they’ll notice bright colours.

Adding pops of bright colours to the monochromatic colour scheme is a perfect way to introduce them to the spectrum. A green teddy, a pair of yellow curtains or a light blue accent wall could make all the difference to your baby’s visual development. Similarly, you could use crib linens in cool colours such as blue and purple to help them sleep better.

6 to 12 months

Between 6 and 12 months is the perfect time to play with a wider colour scheme because your baby’s vision is now fully developed. However, that doesn’t mean that you should go overboard. As fascinated as your child may be with colours, you should gradually add colours to their space. Bright colours can dominate other sections of the house but may be too much in the nursery.

On the other hand, bright colours may be useful in toys, books and other learning materials. This will foster and stimulate your child’s sensory development.

12 to 24 months

As a toddler, your child starts to develop verbal communication skills. They’ll also try to demonstrate their ability to differentiate colours. This presents a grand opportunity for you to teach them and get useful feedback.

Engage them in fun activities that are based on colours. Introduce more colours and prints to stimulate their cognitive development even more.

2 to 4 years

As a preschool student, your child will have fun identifying the colour of trees, flowers, their sippy cups and so on. They’ll thrive in classrooms that are colourful and visually appealing. Wall art and colourful letter blocks will do wonders for their colour recognition skills.

5 years and older

By the age of 5, your child would have shared that they have a favourite colour. Having a favourite colour is great because it’s indicative of a blossoming personality. Give them a chance to express themselves while encouraging them to embrace other colours.

In preschool, they will be engaged in fun games that test their ability to identify colours. Finger painting and nature walks are, of course, crowd-pleasers. They may have also picked up some mathematical skills while using the abacus. Their learning experience will be further enhanced when they interact with other children in a colourful playground.

Rothewood Academy

Rothewood Academy Early Learning centres present a fun and creative atmosphere for our future leaders. We are passionate about early learning as it lays the foundation that our children need to become all that they’re meant to be. Talk with us about our curriculum, which caters to children ages 1 to 5.


11 June 2021

The Importance of a Holistic Approach to Learning in Daycare Centres

We are accustomed to learning environments that are academic-centric, where the emphasis is placed on teaching a core curriculum outlined… Continue reading The Importance of a Holistic Approach to Learning in Daycare Centres

We are accustomed to learning environments that are academic-centric, where the emphasis is placed on teaching a core curriculum outlined by the government. However, research has shown that for children to attain their full potential, educators and parents need to focus on the development of the whole child. This involves ensuring they develop mentally, physically, socially, and emotionally in a positive environment that encourages their individuality and curiosity. This comprehensive and holistic approach in early childhood helps children develop and connect what they learn to the world around them.

The holistic model of learning

The holistic method of learning utilizes structured methodologies along with varied education models to encourage learning based on each child’s personality, individuality, educational skill, and emotions. Holistic learning focuses on a child’s five key areas of development:

  1. Physical development. Learning geared towards physical development includes activities to improve gross and fine motor skills, coordination in movement, independence, balance, and sensory capabilities. For example, children improve their gross motor skills through large movements such as climbing, running, and jumping. Fine motor skills may be developed through activities like playing with building blocks, moulding play dough, drawing, and colouring.
  2. Social skills. Children develop their communication skills through their interaction with other children and adults. Children are encouraged to socialize with other children, practise sharing, and patiently take turns.
  3. Emotional awareness. – Participating in activities such as group building projects and puzzles helps to promote patience, perseverance, and resilience. Educators encourage children to discuss what they have learnt from the activity, share their point of view, and meditate to develop self-awareness. This provides them with a platform to learn empathy and compassion and teaches them to reflect and express their emotions and thoughts in a healthy way.
  4. Intellectual growth. Intellectual growth focuses on the development of a child’s cognitive and creative skills. Kids build their vocabulary through reading activities, and asking open-ended questions improves their comprehension skills and encourages independent thought.
  5. Environmental impact. It is important that children learn the impact their actions have on their community. They learn to respect the environment when encouraged to keep spaces clean and litter-free, whether indoors or outdoors.

Benefits of holistic learning

The holistic learning approach in daycare centres recognizes the interconnectedness of all aspects of a child’s development. For instance, if a child is lacking in their social development, this may display as shyness. Shyness can negatively affect a child’s self-esteem and willingness to participate, thereby affecting their growth in other areas of development.

Holistic education encourages learning through exploration and play. It recognizes that every activity can present an opportunity for learning in a child. An example can be demonstrated in children playing outdoors. Outdoor play provides an opportunity for children to use their sense of touch to learn the difference between objects that are rough, sticky, or soft.

The holistic approach allows for self-guided learning, providing a personalized curriculum based on a child’s learning pace and abilities. Children have the freedom to learn creatively and naturally. They can grasp information in varied ways that cater to their individual learning styles and strengths. This supportive environment helps them to feel physically and emotionally safe, building their self-confidence and keeping them motivated and engaged to learn.

Holistic learning also encourages a strong relationship between teacher and student. Teachers can assess each child’s individual needs and create a learning experience adapted to improve any shortcomings. This relationship encourages trust and communication that can positively influence student performance, engagement, and success.

Within daycare centres, a holistic approach stimulates and boosts creativity. It provides an opportunity for children to explore, learn, and build connections with the world around them. This contribution to their physical, emotional, psychological, and cognitive development creates a positive association to learning that carries throughout their lives.

Head. Hands. Heart.

At Rothewood Academy Early Learning centres, we nurture your children’s natural inclination to explore and learn under the supervision of well-trained educators. We encourage them to be independent and active agents in their learning journey. Our academy provides opportunities that will fascinate and challenge your child while building their self-esteem, identity, and sense of well-being. Schedule a tour today to discover more about our holistic approach to learning.


11 June 2021

Is Your Child Ready for Preschool?

Preschools are early childhood education programs for children ages 3 to 5 designed to teach cognitive and social development skills… Continue reading Is Your Child Ready for Preschool?

Preschools are early childhood education programs for children ages 3 to 5 designed to teach cognitive and social development skills through play. Research shows that children who attend a high-quality preschool with trained teachers have improved academic, social, and self-regulatory skills. They develop social and emotional skills like learning to share and following directions. Their exposure to a structured school routine helps them more confidently and independently prepare for the transition into kindergarten.

Each child develops at a different rate. A preschool should have trained professionals who can assist children regardless of where they are in their development. However, if you want to be more confident your child is ready, here are some skills to help prepare your toddler for their next big step into preschool.

Emotional readiness

Preschool may be the ideal setting if your toddler has no issue spending time without you and is eager to explore and socialize. However, it is perfectly normal for your child to be reluctant to separate from you.

Before starting preschool, practice leaving your child in the care of another trusted adult for short periods, like when you go to the supermarket. If possible, plan play dates with kids their age or take them to storytime at the local library. This can help your child learn to explore and separate without panic. It allows them to build their confidence in socializing with other kids and spending time on their own.


Your toddler should understand basic instruction and express their needs using small sentences, gestures, or sign language. They should be able to communicate things like needing to use the bathroom or if someone has made them upset. They will also need to be able to understand basic instructions, such as, “Wash your hands” or “Sit down, please.” Encourage conversation with your child at home. Ask them questions and encourage them to make eye contact to help improve their oral development.


Children in preschool usually have a schedule of activities outlined for their day. Your toddler will need to focus on activities for a few minutes at a time, then transition to the next. Activities could include arts and crafts, playtime, snack time, nap time, and packing away toys. To help build this trait at home, schedule simple activities around the house and teach your child positive ways of transitioning from playtime to dinner time or storytime.


Preschools usually schedule a one-afternoon nap. If your little one still needs to take two naps or takes naps over 2 hours, consider enrolling them part-time if possible to get them adjusted. They will need to have enough stamina to get through the activities of the day.


While accidents are expected, some preschools may not accept a child who is not able to use the toilet independently most of the time. Start toilet training with your toddler before preschool. Teach them how to pull up their pants and the importance of washing their hands after using the bathroom. To help your child through the process at home, try putting them in underwear for periods during the day. Underwear is less comfortable when soiled, and this may motivate children to alert you when they need to go to the bathroom.


Your child will adjust better if they are not reliant on adults for everything. When at home, encourage them to feed themselves and allow them to practice putting on their shoes and jackets when getting ready. Give your child clothing that is easier to maneuver, such as pants with elastic waistbands instead of those with zippers, and t-shirts instead of buttoned-down shirts.

Rothewood Academy

At Rothewood Academy Early Learning, centres we nurture your child’s curiosity, individuality, and imagination so that they can confidently develop in an environment that fosters and facilitates learning. Our caring and trained staff create learning opportunities that stimulate the development of your child holistically. Our curriculum is age-appropriate to ensure your child achieves success. If you would like to learn more about Rothewood Academy, call to schedule a tour today.


11 June 2021

Questions to Ask When Choosing a Daycare Centre

The first 5 to 7 years of children’s development are crucial to their cognitive and psychological health. Their interactions during… Continue reading Questions to Ask When Choosing a Daycare Centre

The first 5 to 7 years of children’s development are crucial to their cognitive and psychological health. Their interactions during this period shape how they develop their learning and communication skills. These skills influence their social interactions, how they form relationships, and how they deal with challenges.

Your child’s daycare centre should be an extension of the support you give your child at home. You want an environment that nurtures your child’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being. When selecting your daycare, carefully think about your aspirations for your child. Do not be timid in asking questions, and do not be afraid to follow your instincts. Here is a guide to help in your search for the right daycare.

Is it safe, healthy and clean?

Your child’s health and safety are of utmost importance. When choosing a daycare centre, you should feel confident that it meets the provincial standards. Ensure to ask questions about the health and safety policies, and arrange to tour the centre. Arranging your tour during normal operating hours allows you to make a detailed assessment of what a regular day will look like. Be sure to ask questions like:

markerAre you licensed?
markerWhen was your last inspection?
markerHow long has the daycare been in operation?
markerHow qualified are the caregivers?
markerAre your caregivers accredited in first aid and CPR training?
markerHow many children are under your care?
markerWhat is the infant to caregiver ratio?
markerWhat is the toddler to caregiver ratio?

Ideally, there should be one staff to four babies under the age of 18 months. For toddlers 18 to 30 months, there should be one staff for every eight toddlers. Here are some more questions you should ask to help you decide when choosing a daycare centre:

markerWhat happens if a staff member is ill?
markerWhat are your policies on illnesses among children?
markerHow do you treat situations where a child has a severe allergic reaction?
markerAre sick children required to be home for a specified period before returning to daycare?
markerDo you require proof of immunizations?
markerWhat safety measures are in place?
markerAre there fire extinguishers or an evacuation plan?
markerHow often are play areas and toys cleaned or rotated?
markerHow often do staff members sanitize?
markerIs it mandatory for staff to get tested regularly for COVID 19? Do they wear masks or face shields?

Rates and fees

Ensure to find out the full costs and payment schedule for each daycare centre. Some daycares have additional fees for early drop off and late pick-up. You should seek to have a comprehensive idea of all the fees required. Also, get clarification on the costs for public holidays and sick days. Ask the following questions:

markerAre there any additional fees to be considered?
markerDo you offer flexible enrollment? Do you have different rates for full-time versus part-time enrollment?
markerDo you accept payment online, by cheque, or bank transfer?
markerDo the rates depend on the age of the child? Are there discounts for siblings?
markerDo you accept government subsidies?
markerWhat are your policies on refunds if you opt to remove your child from daycare?


Daycare centres are required to serve balanced meals and snacks. However, some facilities may substitute frozen or overly sweet options. Be sure to confirm what your child will be eating, and make sure to look at the facilities where food is prepared and stored during your tour. You also want to ask these questions:

markerWhat is the feeding schedule?
markerAre children allowed to take food from home? If yes, what are the restricted items?
markerHow is breast milk stored?
markerDo you allow mothers to drop in and breast-feed?
markerDo you cater to kids with special dietary needs?


Children thrive best in a structured environment that facilitates play and exploration. Your child should have a scheduled meal, nap, and playtime. A TV at a daycare facility can be a red flag, signalling that children may be left to watch long hours of television. It is good to find out:

markerWhat are the activities planned for each day?
markerDo you encourage indoor and outdoor activities?
markerHow are outdoor activities monitored, and how long do kids play outdoors?
markerDo you allow the children to watch electronic devices?
markerDo you have scheduled nap times? Where do the children sleep?
markerDo you encourage family members to be a part of learning activities?

Disciplinary policy

Always ensure that the facility you choose handles disciplinary situations in ways that are acceptable. When touring the facility, use this opportunity to observe any disciplinary situations, and try to ask scenario-based questions to get a better understanding of how these situations are handled. These questions may help in your quest.

markerHow do you treat situations when a child is upset or unruly?
markerHow do you handle situations where kids are biting or hitting?

Parent communication

Feedback on your child’s progress and activities at any point of the day is essential and gives some peace of mind. It is helpful to know:

markerWhat medium the daycare uses to update parents on activities throughout the day
markerHow you may check on your child if necessary
markerWhether you will receive information on any milestone achievements during the day

Rothewood Daycare and Preschool Academy

At Rothewood Academy Early Learning, daycare and preschool centre, we are dedicated to embracing each child’s individuality. Our holistic approach to learning and development helps your little ones discover their true potential. Call us today! We are ready to schedule your tour.