Preschool vs. Daycare: Do You Know the Difference? | Rothewood Academy

Our Methodology

The Rothewood Academy Early Learning motto is Head. Hands. Heart.  This is referencing the Rothewood Educational Method that is dedicated to teaching the whole child – head, hands, and heart.  Our holistic approach to early learning is what makes Rothewood unique. Each aspect of the Rothewood Academy program provides knowledge and stimulation to your child’s brain in different ways. The enriched curriculum features a unique partnership of core subjects, such as Reading, STEM and Math, with Visual Arts, Music, Yoga and Drama, providing children with the freedom to learn and grow through play.

Unlike many daycare and preschool programs, the Rothewood method is based on a contemporary approach to early childhood development and aims to ensure that your child is encouraged to develop the passion and curiosity to be a lifelong learner. Your child’s special, unique individuality is celebrated, and they are encouraged to begin to explore and think of the world beyond themselves.

The Rothewood method:

  • Uses a holistic approach to learning where children interact with the natural world with opportunities for challenge, risk-taking, and social development.
  • Enables your child to have a variety of learning experiences from core subjects, extracurricular activities, as well as ample outdoor play, field trips, free exploration of materials in the classrooms
  • Has elements of structured play-based methodology but also incorporates the emergent curriculum of methodologies such as Holistic Learning, Reggio Emilia, Montessori and the latest early learning research from around the world
  • Is well planned, yet allows children to have freedom and encourages as much creativity as possible through hands-on learning and collaborative play
  • Enables your child to have a variety of learning experiences from core subjects, extracurricular activities, as well as ample outdoor play, field trips, free exploration of materials in the classrooms
  • Rothewood focuses on the individual child and uses Differentiated, Individual and Personalized Learning methods

Differentiated Learning

Regardless of what a teacher decides to differentiate — whether it’s subject matter, the learning process or even the environment where learning occurs — differentiation is an awareness of and active response to childrens’ varied learning styles. It involves exercising flexibility in assessment, grouping and instruction to create the best learning experience possible.
It’s about connecting the dots: linking the curriculum with students’ diverse interests and capacities. This takes really knowing the students in your classroom and adapting your curriculum where possible.

Individualized Learning

Instruction calibrated to meet the unique pace of various students is known as individualized learning. If differentiation is the “how” then individualization is the “when.” The goals, in this case, remain the same for a group of children, but individual children can learn at different speeds, based on their own particular learning needs.

Personalized Learning

At Rothewood Academy Early Learning we encourage and engage in Personalized learning. Personalization, in addition to responding to childrens’ needs and interests, teaches them to manage their own learning. Learning is not something that is done to them but something that they participate in doing for themselves. For teachers, personalized learning is about facilitation more than dissemination.