Supporting Writing in Early Years

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This course is a NOW part of Understanding Rothewood Curriculum and Understanding Rothewood Curriculum(NC). If you have obtained a certificate for this course on the LMS Launch Pro-D Day and are unable to locate your certificate under your profile, kindly get in touch with

Every child is a natural born writer. We just need to provide the right tools and space.

There is no magical age when a child will be ready to learn to write their letters.  Like learning to read, there are many aspects that need to come together, not the least of which is the desire or motivation, on behalf of the child, to want to learn to write. 

At Rothewood we use a multi sensory approach that meets the needs for each type of learner – visual, kinesthetic auditory and tactile.  We incorporate all four learning styles at different times through different activities. 

Writing is composed of two components-Pre Writing and Writing.

This introductory course is a part of the Writing Series and will give you a little peep into writing at Rothewood.