Process Art: Exploring Creativity at Rothewood Early Learning centres

Imagine a room well stocked with paints, art materials , easels, the sound of little hands busily at work and the joyful chatter of children lost in their creativity. This is the world of process art at Rothewood Academy Early learning centres– where your child’s creative journey matters more than their final product.

We encourage children to explore, experiment and express themselves freely, developing essential skills by creating open-ended art. Process art is a great game-changer in your child’s development. Let’s learn more about it and how Rothewood Academy integrates it into the curriculum.

What Is Process Art?

Process art is an approach to creating art that prioritizes the creative process over the outcome. Unlike traditional art projects where children follow instructions to create a specific item, like a birthday card, process art allows them to experiment with different materials and techniques.

Children are encouraged to splash, use their fingers to create patterns and even glue objects of different textures and tones to create unique pieces. Rothewood Academy focuses on exploration and self-expression, encouraging children to make choices and take creative risks without worrying about making mistakes.

The Benefits of Process Art

The benefits of process art extend far beyond the creation of beautiful artwork. This approach nurtures various aspects of a child’s development, such as:

Creativity and Imagination

Process art encourages children to think outside the box. When children are free to explore and experiment, they come up with innovative ideas and solutions. For example, they might use leaves, pasta or everyday household items in their artwork. This kind of freedom and creative thinking fosters a sense of independence and confidence that can have lasting developmental benefits.

Fine Motor Skills

Manipulating art materials helps enhance the fine motor skills necessary for writing and other tasks. Simple actions like painting, cutting and moulding clay require precision and control. These activities strengthen the small muscles in the hands and fingers, preparing children for more complex tasks in the future.

Emotional Expression

Art is a powerful outlet for children to express their feelings and understand their emotions. They can communicate what they might not yet have the words to express through colours, shapes and forms. This process helps them manage their feelings and develop empathy. For instance, a child might use dark colours and bold strokes to express anger or frustration, while soft colours and gentle lines might reflect calmness and happiness.

Problem-solving and Critical Thinking

Creating art requires kids to think critically and solve problems creatively. For instance, figuring out how to build a structure or mix colours to get the desired shade involves planning and decision-making. We emphasize these problem-solving skills as they are crucial for children’s cognitive development and can be applied throughout their lives.


At our early learning centres, children have endless ongoing opportunities to express and create, thus boosting their self-confidence. We value these masterpieces children create, when children see their creations are valued, it reinforces their belief in their abilities and encourages them to take on new challenges. This sense of accomplishment positively impacts their overall well being.

Creative Outlet through Process Art at Rothewood Early Learning centres

At each of our Rothewood Academy Early Learning centres, we are passionate about nurturing your child’s creative curiosity and fostering holistic development through process art. Our vibrant classrooms are equipped with a wide range of art materials, such as paints, crayons, markers, clay and objects found in nature. Additionally, our outdoor areas offer opportunities for large-scale and nature-inspired art projects, fostering a connection with the natural world.

Our certified teachers encourage children to experiment and explore their creative potential, promoting independence and creative thinking. Our comprehensive curriculum provides the perfect environment for your child to develop essential skills.

We invite you to experience the magic of process art firsthand. Complete our online contact form or schedule a tour to learn more.