5 Questions to Consider When Looking for After-School Programs

Inquiry-Based Learning | Rothewood Academy

After-school programs can be viewed as an engaging and creative extension of the school day. As working parents, you are concerned about what your child will do after the school day has ended, especially when you are not able to pick them up right after school. An after-school program would be the solution to this concern. When checking out after-school programs, it is important to look for a place where there is early learning, and your child is protected, able to relax and have fun. It is found that children who attend after-school programs complete assignments on time, are better behaved in school, and have better attendance. After-school programs not only involve academics but also aid in child development. When assessing after-school programs, there are a few important questions that you might want to ask.

1. Do they offer character-building programs?

The task of keeping children safe and improving their academic achievement should be a goal of the after-school program. Children should be taught lessons of ethics, self-confidence, compassion, tolerance, and perseverance. These lessons help to keep them focused in class, working for good grades, and refraining from engaging in bad behaviours. You want to look for a program that enhances the interpersonal skills of your children and teaches good behaviours that can contribute positively to their communities and society.

2. What activities or programs are offered?

It is important to know the types of activities or programs that are offered. These activities should be fun and engaging to spark the interest of your child. Ensure there are various programs, including science, technology, engineering, and math.

Whatever programs or activities are offered, they should be something that children can learn from.

3. What type of background does the staff have?

You want a program where staff members have a background in dealing with children. More importantly, you want to make sure that the staff is qualified in child development, learning, and attention issues, as well as education. It is an added plus when staff members have an understanding of the developmental needs of children and how to identify them. There should be someone available to assist children in completing their homework.

4. How do they handle discipline?

After-school programs are geared to hosting quite a few children with different personalities and attitudes; it is, therefore, inevitable that conflict will arise between them. It is vital to note how these conflicts are resolved by staff members and how discipline is administered or enforced. There should be a plan or protocol on how conflicts are resolved and the disciplinary actions that are taken when needed.

5. Is it a place where my child will feel comfortable?

Children will take part in activities and open up more in situations that they are comfortable in. The program should not feel as if it is a school day that is being extended. Rather, it should be an environment that doesn’t look like a classroom and emits positive vibes. Therefore when looking into after-school programs, ensure it is somewhere your child will be comfortable and relaxed.

If you are looking for a great after-school program for your child, Rothewood Academy offers one of the best options. Rothewood Academy provides a safe and nurturing environment to harness your child’s emotional, physical, and intellectual skills. They focus on individual needs and abilities achieved through maintaining strong relationships with parents and the communities. For more details on our after-school program, contact us today at info@rothewood.com.

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